The paper analyzes the features of formation and development of local government, conditions and driving forces of formation of municipal and regional policy in the modern political process in Ukraine, examined the relationship of local community organizations and resource support. The author concludes that in the context of the political process the task of creating the institutions of local government is of particular value and relevance only in a specific political project. With this approach to create an effective system of territorial selfgovernment in order to decentralize the principles of subsidiarity, deconcentration of power and resources, is an essential component of future constitutional reform in Ukraine. The article shows that an inherent ontological property policy is its spaciousness, which characterizes the spatial politics as a sphere within which political activity is localized to certain areas of the country. In this context, the problem takes on a special meaning relations within the country micropolitics, mezopolitiki and macroeconomic policy. The article substantiates the idea that at each level of your course of political processes form the specific institutions, relationships, mechanisms and technology policy development, determinants of its formation at a particular level of self-management and self-organization, which have a certain autonomy. This view of the problem suggests that the country is influenced by interrelated phenomena: the territorial self-organization of population and territory government agency. At the same time, the self-organization of population is the interaction of people with each other and with their lands. In this sense, the territorial self-organization of population is the formation of regional preferences under the influence of resource dependence and emotional attachment of people to a specific territory. It is shown that resource dependence is a major step in the territorial self society. It was found that the self-organization of society in the territory occurs if there are resources in the number, variety and quality sufficient to meet the basic necessities of life, capable of supporting the required minimum acceptable standard of living. Only under this condition occurs consolidation of the population in the territory, and the processes of self-organization and its territorial development of the resource base. The paper analyzes the economic and resource potential of the territory, the overall assessment of indicators of economic potential, factors the existence of socio-territorial systems and the formation of a regional municipal policy in Ukraine.