From Giddens's Political Theory to Analyze China's Modernization Movement
In Giddens view, the development of emancipatory politics is the essence of modernity and its inherent power, it drives human history, to break the shackles, but also brings the risk of accidents late modernity and disaster, life politics is its simply beyond the road. The liberation of China's unique political situation determine their specific contradictions of modernity, only to follow the path of political life, to achieve international and domestic changes in survival and self-dialogue in order to actively promote democracy in the final reconstruction of Chinese modernity. Giddens pointed out that emancipative politics, as the essence and the inherent momentum of the development of modernity, make the human beings to create history and break chains, also bring about the accidental risks and calamities. Life politics is its ultimate way to overcome this problem . Because China with its unique condition of emancipative politics has inevitably led to the fated conflicts with the modernity, China can reestablish its modernity only when a self-transformation of subsistence is achieved domestically and internationally and dialogue democracy is boosted actively by following the way of life politics