Nature's Artistry: Goethe's Science and "Die Wahlverwandtschaften"
Dissertation, The University of Chicago (
This study approaches four of Goethe's scientific principles-- polarity, intensification, the law of compensation, and gender differentiation--within the context of his most scientific novel, Die Wahlverwandtschaften. One chapter is devoted to each of these four principles. The first part of every chapter explains the principle within the context of Goethe's science, while the second part explores the relevance of the theory for the novel. The first two chapters address Goethe's Farbenlehre. Chapter Three turns to several of Goethe's anatomical and morphological essays, and Chapter Four addresses his botanical writings. ;Throughout this study, I argue that Goethe's ethical philosophy is reflected in his natural philosophy. Unlike those commentators who view nature in the novel as simply representative of the force of necessity, I argue that Goethe's "nature" is a highly creative force, which may serve as a model for human behavior