Ixtli 4 (7):49-68 (
Values are the essence of being human. Its etymological origin refers to the concept as “healthy” or “strong”. That is why, in order to be able to speak about values and emotionally healthy environments, values must be put into practice. The present work offers a pedagogical proposal based on real situations experienced by teachers of different levels of education in the municipality of Nezahualcóyotl with respect to the problems related to the little practice of values and their consequences within the aulic dynamics, this proposal is directed to The Trainers Trainer, the Teaching Professionals, as well as all those teachers who are in front of a group at any level of education. The main objective is to reorient and reframe the role of teachers in the application of first aid to conflict in the classroom, so this article first defines what are “first aid aulic”, what is a “ Emergence of values “and an” emotional emergency “, the characteristics of a teacher who generate values and emotionally healthy aulic environments, which are:” pedagogical eros “,” shared listening attitude “,” assertiveness “and “Use of complex thinking” as axis elements for the application of First Aid Aulic. Overall, the perspective of Edgar Morin’s complexity is presented as an alternative to analyze all the factors that are intertwined in the classroom in the face of conflictive situations and to be able to carry out the PAÁ in order to favor environments in values and emotionally healthy, that Are the root of achievement of learning and skills at all levels of education.