Analogical Predication and Divine Simplicity
The notion of analogy plays an important role in Steven Duby’s project of theologia. Traditional Reformed theology understands analogy as an “analogy of attribution” based on the creature’s participation in God’s own perfections. Duby’s discussion of analogy addresses its grounds, main forms and variations, and limitations. In response, this article suggests supplementing Duby’s broadly Thomistic explanation with key elements from the Scotist theory of univocal predication. The first benefit of this integration is a clearer balance of apophatic and kataphatic tendencies in the doctrine of God. The second result is a more sophisticated account of the doctrine of divine simplicity, combining Thomas’ emphasis on the common ratio for predicating terms of God and creatures with the Scotist notions of disjunctive properties and distinctio formalis. While speaking about God’s essence by different concepts is necessary because of our limited understanding, it is also grounded in the reality of God Himself.