We introduce a new model of reduction inspired by Kemeny and
Oppenheim’s model [Kemeny & Oppenheim 1956] and argue that this model is
operative in a “ruthlessly reductive” part of current neuroscience. Kemeny and
Oppenheim’s model was quickly rejected in mid-20th-century philosophy of science
and replaced by models developed by Ernest Nagel and Kenneth Schaffner
[Nagel 1961], [Schaffner 1967]. We think that Kemeny and Oppenheim’s model
was correctly rejected, given what a “theory of reduction” was supposed to account
for at that time. But their guiding insights about what constitutes scientific
reduction—increases in explanatory scope and systematization—reflect
actual practices of current reductionistic neuroscience. The key rehabilitative
step to make their insights fit current scientific details is to restate them using
resources from recent work on causal-mechanistic explanation.
We begin with a scientific case study, drawn from the relatively new field of
“molecular and cellular cognition”. It provides an explanation of the well-known
Ebbinghaus spacing effect on learning and memory in terms of interactions
between a transcriptional enhancer protein and its inhibiting phosphatase
in neurons recruited into the memory trace. Next we briefly describe some
popular models of reduction from mid-20th-century philosophy of science. We
point out how these models fail to illuminate key features of our scientific case
study. Finally we present our causal-mechanistically updated Kemeny and
Oppenheim-inspired model and argue that it nicely accounts for the details of
our scientific case study. We close with a remark that will hopefully undercut
the surprise many may feel to learn that a long-rejected philosophical account
of reduction actually is at work in one of the most prominent reductionistic
endeavors in current science.