Principles of Spiritual Psychology: A Collaborative Work Transmitted Through the Psychic Method
Dissertation, The Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities (
Principles Of Spiritual Psychology: A Collaborative Work Transmitted Through The Psychic Method proposes that life is an evolutionary process, and that spiritual and physical reality are intimately related. The authors are a psychic medium and psychotherapist, and a group of entities residing in spirit. They believe that all of life unfolds in an evolutionary manner. A tree responds to its environment and evolves from a seed to the specimen it was intended to be, as does all of humanity. Unlike the rest of nature, human beings choose their involvements, and they do so through their physical senses, intuitions, and rational processes. As people experience a fragmentation of their being, they are filled with fear, rage, anxiety, anger, and sadness. As they experience their wholeness, they feel love, joy, and peace. People are always part of the creative process, and the remnants of their creative endeavors, whether they evolve from experiences of wholeness or fragmentation, reside within their consciousness, and influence future interactions. God is present in the moment by moment interactions of all beings, and influences and is influenced by every-thing. God is intimately related to the creative process, and is a Presence, an Experience, and a Process. ;People are spirits who incarnate in physical reality for the purpose of learning important lessons. People live in a spiritual realm, while their physical body is asleep and after its death. The world of spirit contains everything and everyone who have ever existed in the universe. It has all the characteristics of the physical one, except it is not governed by the physical laws of time, space, and motion. The events of the spiritual and physical realms are interdependently related; all are part of one reality. This work addresses the psychology of the self as it negotiates the pain and bliss of its life in spirit and on earth