Докса 2 (
The Avant-guard’s urban ideas about the city and the Man in the urban space are determined by seeking the absolute in theories of the Avant-guard artists. The Avant-guard starts its evolution from a word, a meaning and only after it obtains a shape. Exactly that’s why the philosophical researches that influenced the development of ideas and projects in the art and architecture are especially interesting. This article studies the theoretical essays of the Avant-guard artists, and specifically its focus is devoted to the philosophic ‘questioning’ of A. Bogomazov, the idealism of V. Kandinsky, the ‘sensationing’ of M. Gershenfeld. Drawing parallels between the philosophy and the art of avant-garde artists, we could certainly say that the theory went far enough from the practice of art in its attempts to find solution of searching the absolute in the art. The pursuit of the absolute gave a birth to the destructive thinking of the Avant-garde theory. Destructiveness is one of the main stages of the Avant-guard formation and, at the same time, the most determining factor in the utopia of its ideas. The conception of absolute had a speculative nature with its attempt to put those ideas in the practice of art. On the one hand, this explains the creation of a particular avant-garde philosophy, and on the other, it gives a chance for a certain comprehension and presentation of the theory only as the avant-garde artists’ ‘aid’, guidance or explanation of their innovations in the practice of art to themselves and others.