They met in 1920 and for some years nurtured hopes of a cooperative renewal of Western philosophy. In June of 1921 Heidegger sent Jaspers a lengthy criticism of his Psychologie der Weltanschauungen, but Jaspers neither read it fully nor took it seriously, and thereby no doubt miffed Heidegger. When reports reached Heidelberg that the younger man was criticizing him behind his back, Jaspers confronted Heidegger and received both a categorial denial and protestations of "der alles tragende Glaube in der Liebe". Apart from Heidegger’s 1921 effort, they apparently neither read nor understood each other’s work during the time of their relationship. Then everything fell apart in 1933. Perhaps there was already some tension between their wives, something never to be discounted in philosophical circles. And even though Jaspers never took Heidegger for an anti-Semite, and although he warmly congratulated him on the inaugural address as rector of Freiburg, he was shocked at Heidegger’s naïveté about Hitler and the future. They last saw each other in June of 1933, and thereafter Jaspers received damning evidence of the extent of Heidegger’s compromise. He read a copy of a 1933 letter in which Heidegger would have a certain Mr. Baumgarten excluded both from the Nazi S.A. and from teaching, due to his origins in "the liberal-democratic circle of Heidelberg intellectuals around Max Weber" and because of his association with "the Jew Frankel". Later, in 1937-38 he heard that Heidegger maintained the no longer obligatory Hitler salute before lectures. After 1936 correspondence between them ceased, but Heidegger continued sending Jaspers his publications and in 1945 requested from him a letter of support to the Freiburg commission that would decide Heidegger’s post-war academic fate. Jaspers’s letter mentioned the Baumgarten affair and said that Heidegger’s 1933 capitulation seemed to justify excluding him from teaching, but that he should have every freedom to continue his research.