The paper attempts to analyze creativity Kazimir Malevich with cultural positions. The authors say the creation of the myth of the work of Malevich and his painting «Black Square». The concept «Suprematism» and the phenomenon of Suprematism in the works of Malevich. Revealed last assessment of his work and creativity progenitor artists. It is emphasized that the phenomenon of «Black Square», its many theoretical interpretations eclectic, contradictory. They coincide with the characteristic of avant-garde post-modern texts: discontinuity, fragmentation, disharmony, eclectic, outrageous, etc. Many culturologists it is regarded as «undermining» deconstruction, dismantling the culture, its integrity. According to the authors, «Black Square» by the idea-a simulacrum. It is focused on the resident of the era post-culture. This discrete, distanced separation from the sensual life, the alienation of time and space, two-dimensional dead, designed for the private person. «Black Square» – not contemplation, but a product of understanding the intellect, the rational understanding of the product and «pure thought.» In it lost something that is characteristic of art: the same content of a work of art creates in everyone who sees it, different, other, special experiences, ideas, causes their personal emotions and feelings.