Historians of Science and Technology as Time‐eaters. Historians for long mainly focussed on the last couple of millenia. Recently, they have reached out to colonize different temporal worlds. While Deep History seeks to get a better understanding of the development of anatomically modern humans and their culture, Big History integrates cosmological, geological and human temporalities to develop new narratives on the big picture. Hence, historians are time‐eaters. They share their foremost prey, however, with other disciplines such as anthropology and archaeology, paleontology and primatology, linguistics and molecular genetics, with which they collaborate and at the same time compete when reaching out for new temporal concepts such as the Anthropocene. This article understands the both rich and controversial debate on the Anthropocene, the epoch of the humans, as a positive provocation. For historians of science and technology, it offers a welcome opportunity to critically re‐assess their established sets of narratives by interlinking geological and human time‐scales. Newly developed terms such as the “technosphere” and the “technocene” force them to (1) re‐think their concept of technology, (2) better integrate history of technology and environmental history, and (3) replace linear temporalities by layered models of historical change.