Situation Ethics, Phenomenological Psychology and Qualitative Research
Phenomenological psychology and the relationship was beyond Husserl's phenomenology as a parallel and overlapping. This view is very clear, in the development of phenomenology has been unable to solve properly, but in the realm of applied sciences to be justification. This is how it happened? What does it mean? Through this meta-ethics and normative ethics of the situation between the ethical, the ethics of difference with the description, that the phenomenological psychology as a qualitative research solution. This means that, due to situational ethics of phenomenological psychology show of its own, owing phenomenological psychology situational ethics restore its ontological significance. The relationship between phenomenological psychology and transcendental phenomenology is regarded by Husserl as parallel and overlapping. It is neither a clear thought, nor has been solved properly by the development of phenomenology, but justified in the practical field of apply sciences. How does it happen? What is it meant? In this paper, we point out the solution by considering the phenomenological psychology as a qualitative research through the distinction between descriptive ethics and situation ethics, which is in between meta-ethics and normative ethics. That is to say, phenomenological psychology shows itself to us due to situation ethics, while situation ethics regains its ontological sense due to phenomenological psychology