Схід 3 (149):104-107 (
The nature and factors of the existence of the nation-state in the doctrine of H. Ortega y Gasset are revealed. Ortehovoyi in interpreting the nation-state is a metaphysical strength and unity of past and future, tradition and consolidating new purpose-idea alloy democratic institutions and subconscious zovu blood, land, language, mature nation. As an instrument of the nation, the nation state is a political entity that legitimizes the idea of social order and public self is an initiative of the people and personality. The democratic nature of the nation-state is its indispensable advantage - it gives real grounds separate individual and values harmonious collective resist oppression. Simultaneously, the nation state is the result of integration of peoples to new historical stage of development, volitional act elite, which determine the call-idea and transform it into a state-based form of "call" world capabilities of the people. This creative process is not possible without a high level of social elasticity without close consolidate elites with public miles, without the democratic principles of cooperation, which together store representations, symbolic and real-institutional unity of the body politic of the nation, and is the key to the dichotomy of nation-state - its dynamics and statics. Thus, the concept of nation-state process of reconciliation Madrid provides citizens with the idea of a sovereign political body which defends freedom and respects their interests and concluded lifestyle. Thus, the concept of the nation state H. Ortega y Gasset is the liberal-conservative trait. It is presented as a result of historical passages mature nation and a compromise individual rights of the person will and ability of elites.