Докса 2 (
In the article concepts «understanding» and «interpretation» from positions of iconological methodology of Ervin Panofsky are considered. The form of iconology, offered by Panofsky, is considered as a certain sort of hermeneutics named as art hermeneutics. Its essence consists in attempt of creation of universal semantic rules of interpretation of the works of art directed on their complete synthetic understanding. According to Panofsky interpretation process includes three basic stages. The first stage assumes the formal analysis works of art. The second is connected with revealing of secondary or conventional subject matter. It is a problem of the iconographical analysis. The third stage is connected with understanding of intrinsic or content meaning of product. An indispensable condition of understanding is detection of the special scheme of the interpretation, revealing and making internal senses of the art phenomena. However this scheme carries at Panofsky momentary character also requires constant specification and updating as carries not substantial, but formal character.