This chapter advocates a transformation of higher education curriculum. We take elements of an event called ʻSounds of Scissors’ from a Norwegian master’s programme as a point of entry to exploring posthuman pedagogical practices and research. In the event, we investigate how creative entanglements facilitate opportunities for flashes of understanding. The classroom becomes a space for cooperation, laughter and frustration—and, further, a place for local creative research laboratories. This chapter revolves around the following two questions: How is it possible to advance approaches that challenge the superior position of the human subject? How might pedagogical practices and research in higher education strengthen an awareness of affect, bodies and senses beyond human control? Consequently, we explore the potentialities of approaching an event from a perspective beyond subject-orientations. We draw out some key aspects of the work of Spinoza and Deleuze to explore passionate powers, daredevil thoughts and a-personal energies. Through the event ‘Sounds of Scissors’ we explore how higher education might come into existence under our chosen premises.