Padartha is a concept which has been clinically and academically described in Ayurveda. Health and disease are prime focus of Ayurveda and the principle causes behind both of these are Padatha. Ayurveda and Vaisheshika darshan considers similar padartha but with different views. How this view is different has been explained? Disease is a state of disequilibrium of physiological functions causing vriddhi or kshaya of structural entity (Dhatus). Vriddhi or Kshaya is based on samanya and vishesha and its treatment is also based on same. An attempt to explain Doshavada, Dhatuposhan (nourishment of structural entity), Loka Purusha samyata (Universe human unified theory) etc. on basis of Samanyavada has been explained. How is Dravya, Guna, karma basis for therapeutics involving principles of samanya and vishesha with Samavaya acting as a cause for determined action due to its inherent relationship has been explained. From all findings, it can be said that sadapadartha are basic plinth of this Ayurveda.