The Lee, Oehme and Yang (LOY) theory of time evolution in two state subspace of states of the complete system is discussed. Some inconsistencies in the assumptions and approximations used in the standard derivation of the LOY effective Hamiltonian, HLOY, governing this time evolution are found. Eliminating these inconsistencies and using the LOY method, approximate formulae for the effective Hamiltonian, H||, governing the time evolution in this subspace (improving those obtained by LOY) are derived. It is found, in contradistinction to the standard LOY result, that in the case of neutral kaons (〈K 0 |H|||K 0 〉−〈¯K 0 |H|||¯K 0 〉), cannot take the zero value if the total system the preserves CPT-symmetry. Within the use of the method mentioned above formulae for H|| acting in the three state (three dimensional) subspace of states are also found