The purpose of the development of a multifunctional cooperative sector is to realize the opportunities of cooperation and effective use of its potential for economic growth and the social orientation of Ukraine’s diversified economy. The authors prove in the article that the scale and pace of the cooperative sector’s formation of the economy depend on the development of the system of cooperatives, mainly: agricultural, consumer, credit and social services. In the future, the regional sector of the cooperative economy will be formed on the basis of different types of cooperatives. Integration into the cooperative sector should take place in two ways: the intra-system integration of cooperatives and the creation of a national cooperative sector of the economy. It was found that globalization, as an irreversible phenomenon in the development of the world economy, makes it possible to learn that in most Western countries, the cooperative sector occupies a leading position in the economy and is characterized by a variety of forms and types of cooperative activities. The processes of globalization, which are the basis for the formation of a non-economic system, pose a real threat to the very existence of the cooperative movement. Adequate response on the part of cooperatives and their unions should be to overcome competition between cooperatives of different types and kinds and to integrate the cooperative movement not only within national economies but also outside them.