Granì 20 (6):69-72 (
The article is based on the research of creation of reading science (recitations), its formation history and types. Reading science had formed in relation different reading rules of Koran words. It has specific rules, development history and literature source. This science is the first science between Islamic sciences and it is considered as one of the fundamental sciences in Theology Studies. Because, Muslims read Koran correctly via assistment of tis science and they knew and informed the richness of meaning of Koran. Due to these reasons, Muslims did their best to develop this science since the early period of Islam and in result Muslims did their best to the development of this science in early ages of Islam, and finally the reading (recitaion) developed as a science and it lives its progressive period today. Due to the reading the meaning of the verse is understood so:«God is afraid of his servant scientists». But the true meaning of this verse is «only scientists among his servants are afraid of God». İbnul-Jazari said that this verse is false, and this opinion is not told by Abu Hanifa, the author of this verse is not Abu Hanifa. Some commentators noted that the investigation was not related to him.