This Letter to the Editor is a comment on a paper by Rodríguez Higuera (Biosemiotics 9, 155–167, 2016) that refers to a paper by van Hateren (Biosemiotics 8, 403–419, 2015). The comment argues that semiosis (i.e., the making of meaning) has biological roots in an internal process X occurring within all forms of life. This internal process produces, in effect, an approximation (i.e., an estimate) of the fitness of an organism. X subsequently drives a purely stochastic process of structural change within the organism. This results in primordial forms of semiosos, agency, and aboutness. It is argued that the way this is produced should be regarded as a form of strong emergence, because it results in novel causal powers that are not equivalent to the combined causal powers of the composing parts of the system.