Adherence to generally accepted international standards in the area of protecting the rights of women police officers is essential because it improves the country’s reputation in the international arena and promotes effective coordination between states in the fight against crime. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the key areas of ensuring equal rights of men and women in law enforcement in Ukraine in the context of the implementation of the European integration course. For this purpose, the study employed historical, comparative, and formal legal methods. The study analysed international legal acts and current national legislation of Ukraine in the field of ensuring and protecting the rights of women who carry out their professional activities in law enforcement agencies. It was found that as of 2024, all countries are characterised by the universalisation of the problem in this area. The study concluded that the issues of women’s rights protection are being reactivated due to substantial changes in the social life of European countries. These processes are accompanied by the emergence of negative trends in the professional status of women, rising unemployment and poverty rates, and a decrease in the number of women in elected bodies and government agencies, including law enforcement. It was argued that the focus on international legal standards could become a prerequisite for improving the national regulatory framework for the protection of the rights of women who carry out professional activities in the police, and for transforming law enforcement practice towards accommodating the interests of this part of society. The practical significance of this study is that its results can be used to improve the work of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine by improving the provisions of domestic protection of the rights of women police officers.