Resumen: El siguiente trabajo pretende analizar la categoría de “romanticismo político” desarrollada por el filósofo alemán Carl Schmitt, aplicando su acepción de “política romántica” al caso del poeta-político chileno Guillermo Matta Goyenechea. Por medio de términos tales como imaginación, lenguaje cósmico, progreso moral, democracia, entre otros, este poeta-político articuló su discurso social durante el periodo de 1853 a 1858, como elementos de disputa con el poder regente bajo la intención de reformar la sociedad chilena de su época.: The present work had the purpose of defining the category of "political romanticism" developed by the German philosopher Carl Schmitt, applying its meaning of "romantic politics" to the case of the Chilean political poet Guillermo Matta Goyenechea. Through the terms stories such as imagination, cosmic language, moral progress, democracy, among others, this poet-politician articulated his social discourse during the period from 1853 to 1858, as elements of dispute with the ruling power under the intention of reforming the chilean society of his time.