Pitanje vjerskog identiteta od prvotnog je značenja za teološko, a posebno teološko-praktično istraživanje. Budući je ovaj vid teološkog istraživanja u bitnome usmjeren na vjerničko djelovanje, nemoguće ga je zamisliti bez jasnog pozicioniranja u odnosu na identitet vjernika jer mu on predstavlja prvotno uporište. U ovom radu proučava se, uz korištenje metode teološko-pastoralnog raspoznavanja , pitanje odnosa vjerskog identiteta i vjerničkog djelovanja, kao i njegovo ispravno i puno shvaćanje. U isto se vrijeme upozorava i na određene probleme s obzirom na isti odnos, koji u aktualnim modelima vjerničkog angažmana predstavljaju posebne izazove na vjerskom, ali i na društveno-kulturalnom planu.The question of the religious identity is of primary importance for theological, and especially for theological-practical research. Since this aspect of theological research is essentially directed towards the action of believers, it is impossible to imagine it without a clear positioning in respect to the believer’s identity because this identity represents its primary basis. In this article, using the method of theological-pastoral discernment , the question of the relation between the identity and action of believers is being studied, together with its correct and complete understanding. At the same time, alert is being raised on certain problems that concern this relation, problems which in the current models of believer’s action present special challenges on religious, but also on socio-cultural level