São Paulo: Marcos Wagner da Cunha (
'The Last Owl' is a very singular novel built from interconnected poetic tales, culminating in an apocalyptic love. Its dense psychological symbolic plot intends to touch deep realms of the human condition. As for the title it relates to Hegel's phrase mentioning the Owl of Minerva, stating that only when civilizations are nearing their ultimate decay, their final throes, is philosophy able to utter something substantial on them, since deepest truths about history may be caught only during their agony, as they leave scene during "dusk".
Accordingly, Philosophers' ponderings approach human history in a analogous way to the hunting owl's gaze while flying over fields at nightfall.
Would a last 'Owl of Minerva' be already flying over humankind in this 21st century so obscured by dooming signs ?