Montaigne and Taoism
Dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (
Montaigne's Essays discuss the human condition and the way to live. His work represents an ideal of wisdom. Like Montaigne, Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, representatives of Taoism, express similar concerns about the human condition. Both philosophies have a very similar concept of wisdom: ;Nature is treated as a quasi-divine entity that exists everywhere and controls everything, although it is invisible and inexpressible, and it represents at the same time diversity and unity; human reason is not an absolute means to truth due to the relativity of our knowledge; we should, therefore, reject dogmatism and accept tolerance; all excessive actions are harmful to human nature, and man should live in accord with the principle that moderation in everything is inseparable from human happiness; getting rid of unnecessary desires and passions and living in simplicity and solitude are the primary conditions of happiness; the realization of our internal self is the basis of the natural state of mind, which is also a state of spiritual harmony or interior liberty. ;The present study compares thematically Montaigne's wisdom to that of Taoism in a systematic format. It examines the concept of nature, the relativity of our knowledge, moderation, solitude, and self. The study adopts an analytical approach to these subjects through a close reading of Montaigne's text and those of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu. ;In examining the parallels and resemblances between Montaigne's philosophy and Taoism, the study also points out their differences. Since Montaigne and Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu had different backgrounds and were from different centuries, some diversity of thought is inevitable. ;The study that aims at discovering West-East affinities on the concept of wisdom helps us to better understand the essence of Montaigne's philosophy and Taoism and the eternal questions they pose