On the Relation between Situation and the Meaning of Language
The link between language and its meaning is not fixed, rigid. The meaning of the language environment and language communication with the speaker's intention, attitude and other factors change. Language is the meaning of the message conveyed by linguistic expressions. Access to information is bound to be people's ideas, attitudes, knowledge, background, explain the point of view and other factors. Context of language expressions do carry restrictions and additional information, making certain, specific information to be passed. The relation between language and its meaning is not rigid, unchangeable. The meaning of language varies with the environment of communication and the speaker's intention, attitude, etc. The meaning of language is the information the linguistic expressions transmit. The acquirement of information is necessarily affected by people's ideas, attitudes, knowledge background, and angles of interpretation. Situation limits and complements the information carried by linguistic expressions, and makes the transmittal of definite and concrete information possible