Approach to Aesthetics represents the realization of a project that Frank Sibley, who died in January 1996, did not live to complete on his own. The volume not only brings together Sibley’s major published papers on philosophical aesthetics but also includes five hitherto unpublished pieces written in his later years. These five pieces, some originally prepared by Sibley for oral presentation, were left by him in virtually complete versions and have needed only the kind of editorial attention required to meet the exigencies of publication. Never having presented his views on aesthetics in a single book-length study, Sibley eventually came to see the publication of a collection of his most significant papers as a viable substitute. In asking the editors, shortly before his death, to undertake this project, Sibley himself provided a list of the published papers that he wanted to include as well as a second list of unpublished work that he wanted the editors to consider. There can be no doubt, therefore, that the current volume faithfully reflects Sibley’s wishes and intentions—and this to a very fine detail. The first eleven items in the collection are presented in the precise order in which Sibley listed them for the editors. Moreover, the title of the volume and even the two epigraphs were his choice.