Following an analytical introduction by Weiss, this work presents writings by Maimonides on the dispositions of the soul, especially its virtues and vices; on equanimity and the achievement of mental health; on secular and religious authority; on the knowledge of good and evil; on reasoning in respect to right and wrong; on awaiting the Messiah; on repentance; and on war and peace. Aside from a few extracts from the Guide of the Perplexed, for which an existing translation by Shlomo Pines is reprinted here, all the materials included were translated by one or both of the editors, including the letter to Joseph ben Judah on secular and religious authority, which was translated into English for the first time. The materials from which selections were made include Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah, his Commentary on the Mishneh, his Introduction to the Mishneh tractate "Chapters of the Fathers," and his Logic. Most of these works are articulations and defenses of traditional Jewish ethical mandates, developed by Maimonides in the light of his knowledge of philosophy.—W.G.