Localisation versus Globalisation – Claim and Reality of Mobile and Context-aware Applications of the Internet
In the vision of ubiquitous computing it should be possible to create situational and context-aware applications of the internet. But there is a conflict between the global claim of the system and the context-aware local application. First of all it must be clear, what context means. Is the context determined by the material local environment or by the special intention of a person’s action. What role do cultural factors with their historical implications and scales of value play? The meaning of locality depends on the definition of the term context. Thus the term locality specifies an analogy to the term ‘context’. It is necessary especially to also clarify categories like “Leib” and “Lebenswelt”. Finally it is pointed out that special claims of ubiquitous computing like the idea of a global world-model are untenable. Though ubiquitous computing technologies are calm and invisible, it is important to make visible their components. The antagonism between localisation and globalisation shows the real potential of, as well as the claims of, ubiquitous computing.