This is an expository paper on the problem of independent axiomatization of any set of sentences. This subject was investigated in 50's and 60's, and was abandoned later on, though not all fundamental questions were settled then. Besides, some papers written at that time are hardly available today and there are mistakes and misunderstandings there. We would like to get back to that unfinished business to clarify the subject matter, correct mistakes and answer questions left open by others. We shall deal with results of many authors. However, they will be exposed in a different manner, with complete proofs and, often, with refinements and supplements. Some questions will be brought up to date and related to other questions in logic. New results and questions will also be added. Stress will be laid on constructive aspects; that is, we will examine the problem of the possibility of independent axiomatization as well as algebraic means by use of which independent sets of axioms can be given