The city of Addis Ababa has to experience a prevalent pace of real growth. This trend is somewhat influenced by the unrestrained development resulting from the evasion of informal settlements. As new buildings are implicit in the existing squatter settlements and vacant land, the number and scale of informal encampments in Addis Ababa has risen over time. However, to investigate the cause and impact of squatter settlements and their correlation in the Urbanization and health status of informal settlers, descriptive study design, and mixed-method that involves both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed. The study revealed that the prevalence rate of squatter settlements in the town of Addis Ababa had been recorded due to the government personnel's inability to provide legal provision, the delay in implementing standard housing policies, and some other political prospects. Besides, the rapid pace of Urbanization and the enthusiastic emotion in gaining of quality of employment service aggravate the prevalence of informal settlements. Consequently, the study has shown that the deteriorated hazardous health risks of inhabitants in the slum areas resulted from poor sanitation and improper handling of poor solid waste management in the study areas. The mismatch between their enthusiastic desire and their livelihood in the slum and squatter settlements enables residents to experience depression, suicide, drug abuse, interpersonal violence, and too much alcohol consummation.