Pluto Press (UK) (
Setting out to exemplify a new approach to social theory - one forged in the course of a critical dialogue between Postmodernism and Marxism, this book departs from classical Marxist thought. By directly engaging with issues in social and political theory, the book offers a way forward for a new and revitalised Marxist tradition. The book does not fit within any single disciplinary boundary, but challenges the limits imposed by conventional boundaries. The author breaks with the ususal Postmodernism versus Marxism syndrome, and defies that brand of Postmodernism that pronounces the death of social theory. Through a deconstructive rethinking of the central concepts of production, law and class, he attempts to demonstrate ways in which a transformed Marxism can take on board and benefit from Postmodernism and deconstruction without lapsing into post-Marxism.