The conception of alethēs anthrōpos in Plotinus’ Enneads
The paper presents the ontological aspects of the conception of alēthēs anthrōpos and the problem of relations between individual human being and hypostases Psyche and Nous. According to Enn. I. 1 [53] the nature of man is twofold — man is zōon on the one hand, and man is psuchē on the second. But in the light of Plotinus’ monopsychism the genuine dimension of our being owns a beyond-individual character. The real capability of unification with Nous is one of the activities inherently connected with dynamical nature of Soul. The levels of human consciousness are identical with the gradation of activities of Psyche taken as hypostasis and alēthēs anthrōpos represents the epistrophical return to Intellect. Key words PLOTINUS, ANTHROPOLOGY