Inopportune sanitation of oral cavity leads population to address with much heavier forms of teeth hard tissue diseases that makes difficult treatment, increases terms, expenses, and mainly makes worse outcome of disease. According to the research's results, fear of dental intervention takes a leading place among the reasons of inopportune sanitation. Fundamental works of last decades about spreading dentophobia among the population show that despite significant achievements in medicine and science in the field of high-effective safe anesthesia, anxiety and fear at dental treatment are felt by many patients, especially children. In the last year’s growth of the patient's quantity addressed to dentist with complicated forms of teeth caries is observed also growth of cases with sharp inflammatory processes of maxillofacial area with odontogenic origin is described. Latest treat of patients to dentist determines the necessity to cure outpatient with surgical methods. Besides, possible complications might cause different somatic pathologies and generally deterioration of health in the the population.