Kader 20 (1):323-344 (
Criticism is a phenomenon that exists in all stages and dimensions of life. One of the narrative styles used by the Qur'an, which was sent to guide people from falsehood to truth and from heresy to guidance, is the style of criticism. It is seen that this style aims to enable people to make a constant effort to eliminate their deficiencies and to be cleaned from their mistakes. How does the criticism style take place in the Qur'an? How important is it to its interlocutors? Is it possible to deduce some principles from the criticism style used by the Qur'an? Searching for answers to these and similar questions will help us determine the method of the style in question. In addition, it will help us understand the nature of the effect that this style aims to create on the addressee. In this context, it can be said that the criticisms in the Qur'an towards its addressees took place within the framework of some principles. The Qur'an sometimes criticizes its addressee by warning with kind words, sometimes by warning with wisdom and good advice, and sometimes by asking and answering questions. From this point of view, it is seen that the criticisms in the Qur'an offer a method about its style of criticism, as well as realizing the goal of the Qur'an to guide people. Identifying the principles and features of the Qur'anic criticism will help better understand and convey its message. In this respect, it is obvious that knowing the Qur'anic criticism will make important contributions to the tafsir literature. While the Qur'an presents a system of life to people, it also orders people to apply it to their practical life. The principles, limits, targets and examples shown for human beings in the Qur'an are reference points for transferring them to practical life. When the Qur’anic guidance is ignored, not implemented or deviated from its purpose, the Qur'an criticizes people in a certain way. In this context, many criticism-oriented verses in the Qur'an not only serve to direct people to the life order drawn by the Qur'an, but also offer a set of universal principles about how the criticism style should be. When people criticize each other in their social lives, taking the criticism style of the Qur'an as a model will help criticism to give positive results. The focus of this study is the features and principles of the Qur'anic criticism. Within the framework of this focal point, first of all, the concepts used in the Qur’anic criticism will be analyzed conceptually, and the context and importance of the criticism style in the Qur'an will be emphasized. Finally, the general characteristics and principles of this style will be determined and evaluations will be made about these principles.