In this article, the author examines the impact of administrative reform in the Russian Federation over corruption in general and in the sphere of the consumer market, in particular. The author bases on the analysis of the results of enforcement activities of the competent authorities, and comes to the conclusion about currently under-utilized potential of legal and administrative sanctions. Corruption in activities of officials of the state apparatus is often caused by the unclear legal requirements, unreasonable subjectivity in decision-making, and implementation of administrative procedures. On this basis, the author believes that comprehensive legal regulation of implementation of control and supervisory powers of state authorities in conjunction with the objectives and tasks of administrative reform in the Russian Federation is required. The author focuses on the analysis of norms of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation concerning the regulation of public relations in the field of entrepreneurship and the consumer market. In the study, the author pays attention to the issues of improvement of administrative legislation in this sphere, and the efficiency of control and supervisory activities of Federal Executive bodies, primarily the Federal Antimonopoly Service, and Federal Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being. The author gives specific recommendations for improving the legislation of the Russian Federation on counteraction of corruption in the sphere of consumer market.