The article is devoted to the 145th anniversary of the outstanding philosopher of the 20th century S. L. Frank (28.01.1877–10.12.1950), who preserving the pre–revolutionary traditions of teaching psychology as part of philosophy at the historical and philological faculties of Russian universities, in 1918 for the fi rst time in Saratov began teaching psychology at Saratov University, thus becoming the founder of the regional psychological school. An apologist for philosophical (idealistic) psychology, Frank invited Professor A. A. Krogius (1919), an experimental psychologist known in Europe, to work at the Saratov Department of Philosophy, thereby creating conditions for a versatile psychological education. In the spring of 1919, through Frank’s eff orts a philosophical department was opened at Saratov University, which began professional university training of psychologists for the first time in the region. In the autumn of 1919, with Frank’s participation, Saratov psychology was institutionalized for the first time – the Department of Philosophy and Psychology appeared at the university. After Frank’s expulsion from Russia in 1922, his name and works as alien to the Marxist worldview in his homeland began to be hushed up. His merit to Saratov psychology was also consigned to oblivion for a long time. This work was carried out in order to express grateful memory to the founder of the Saratov University Psychological School.