Granì 19 (7):75-80 (
The article discusses the influence of Confucianism on the processes of modernization and kontrmodernizatsii societies ConfucianDaoist identity on the example of enterprise and management institutions. The authors concluded that the enterprise and management institutes in China, Korea and Japan is largely based on the Confucian family values. It stated that representatives of the eastern societies show a different commitment to ethical rationalist industrial modernization of the sample, providing isolation from the household enterprise. For the Chinese, entering into a relationship on the production, guided, first of all, to my family, and not on the production team. Focusing on the production team is largely inherent to the Japanese, and, to a lesser extent – the Koreans, which can serve as an indirect indicator of various ratios in the Chinese, Korean and Japanese Confucianism and modernzative and kontrmodernizative contents. A common feature of the eastern societies is increased attention to education, which is a passthrough for Confucianism. Actually, it creates an ambivalent attitude towards modernization on the one hand – high mobility of the labor force and its ability to retraining and retraining, which is necessary for the development of capitalism. On the other hand, it contributes to society through institutions zakonservovuvannyu political Confucianism, which becomes a factor kontrmodernization. It is noted that the Confucian concepts of entrepreneurship, production and Confucian moral gains are related idea of the primacy of the public benefits of private, public service of prosperity, which acquire a universal value in the crisis of the world financial and economic architecture of classical liberalism, which is based on the principles of material gain.