Granì 2:123-126 (
In this article author provides definition of change of life meaning values as prerequisites of alternative lifestyles emergence, focusing on making transition to such practices through voluntary mobility. The author refers to existing sociological interpretation of values, value shift and change of life meaning values, presented in the works of modern researchers. Variety of lifestyles is one of the leading trends in contemporary society, and existence of such diversity is connected not with division of society into classes, groups, social strata, but with existence of different values. Updating of values becomes the basis for emergence of life styles as complex of social practices that are based on the conscious rejection of high income, liability, achieved social status and approval of society consumption patterns. Mechanism of conversion to alternative lifestyles are the current voluntary mobility. Such mobilities realized through peaceful transition to lowpaid work, flexible schedule, or complete abandonment of employment, while representatives of such lifestyles devote themselves to selfdevelopment, communication with close people and environment.