Obstacles Of A Critical-world-civil Philosophy And The Problem Of The Kant’s "fourth Critique" / Hindernisse Einer Kritisch-weltbürgerlichen Philosophie Und Das Problem Der „vierten Kritik“ Kants
Cosmopolitism takes up a crucial systematic point in Kant’s philosophy: between philosophy of history and anthropology on the one hand, the three critiques on the other hand. Binding together the three questions – What can I know, shall I do, may I hope? – by the fourth question – What ist human? – is not possible without cosmopolitism, as the eminent expression of character of mankind in history. Thus the synthesis of all parts of philosophy has already been called Kant’s „Fourth Critique“, i.e. Critique of historical reason connected with critical anthopology. Kant’s systematic, metaphysical, but critical concepts for eschatology as well as „origin“ are pointed out, whereas their devastating uncritical understanding provides radicalistic obstacles for cosmopolitism. Overwhelming these obstacles, however, consequently requires self-criticism of enlightenment