A Discussion On The Categories Of Life, Models And Foundation In Chinese Philosophy
Areas of Chinese philosophy of life rooted in time and space there is a physical reality of life, every time there is a historical understanding and interpretation among the runs through the historical understanding and interpretation of metaphysical existence. Intermediary between the two dovetail, showing the ideal value for the price, that is natural for the ideal, the ideal society, the pursuit of the ideal life, and to value the ideal price of care, get the support of ontological metaphysics. Chinese philosophy and way of thinking embodied in areas characterized by a type of holistic Heaven blend mode of thinking, it is embodied with the scope of Western philosophy with the subject-object type of analytical thinking a great difference. Heaven blend of holistic type of thinking expressed as holistic thinking, thinking, and harmony of the main thinking and gossip thinking, chaos thinking, ideas, and Tai Chi. Building aspects of rational philosophy, was created in practice the concept of system and its concept of the product. It has beyond the nation state, the nature of society, it is called the superstructure. Aspects of Chinese philosophy as a superstructure, ideology on how to lower building contains "materialized" material traces. With reason, for example: category management gained in the development of the first basic form is a natural reason and natural physical properties of nature; second basic form is the nature of ethics and ethical management of physical properties; the third basic form, the nature of social justice and social axiomatic nature; fourth basic form, and a reasonable person of the nature and human nature and rationalization. Categories of Life in Chinese philosophy are rooted in the concerete temporal and spatial aspects of life, in every historical explanation and understanding of space and time; and are usually a metaphysics of history. The medium that links the two together shows itself as an ideal of values, and ideal of nature, an ideal of society and the pursuit of an ideal life. The notion of ideal values receives support from ontology. A special aspect of Chinese philosophical categoies is in the model of the fusion between man and heaven. This is a big difference with the western categorical model of splitting and analysing the subject and object. This model of the fusion of man and heaven is an expression of a "totality" model. Chinese philosophical categories also found expression in models of harmony, subjectivity, the eight trigrams chaos and the "taiji" . Rational, philosophical categories are a byproduct of human praxis and effort to systematize concepts. They transcend the characteristics of race, nation and society, so they are capable of building upward. In the building upward of Chinese philosophical categories, how is it that there are traces of the downward reification into the physical? Let's take the notion of "li" as an example. The category of "li" first finds its basic form in " li de zi ran xing zhi " and" zi ran de li xing zhi ". The second basic form finds expression in" Ii de lun li xing zhi ". and "lun li de li xing zhi" . The third category finds basic form in "gong li de she hui hua xing zhi" and " she hui de gong li hua xing zhi ". Finally, the fourth category finds expression in" he ii de ren hua xing zhi " and" ren li he he li hua xing zhi