Security Governance in European after the Post-cold War Era
The end of the Cold War changes in Europe's security structure, which marks the collapse of the bipolar structure, also marks the two camps of military confrontation in Europe ended. However, that does not mean the end of the Cold War European security problems. In contrast, Europe is facing a more decentralized, more invisible security threats. Security governance should become the new era of European security challenges is a major undertaking. Currently, the European security governance showing the dominant regional organizations, the characteristics of a variety of actors involved, European security depends on effective management of major European cooperation and coordination with regional organizations. The European security situation has been changed fundamentally after the end of the cold war era. However, the disintegration of the Former Soviet Union, the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the upheaval in Central and Eastern European Countries don't mean that the European security problems have been solved forever. On the contrary, Europe is confronted with new security threats that are more diverse, less visible and less predictable. Security governance as a new and great step has been applied, in which the regional organizations in European context play the dominant role, and the effective security governance in Europe depends on the further cooperation and coordination among them.