We are witnessing a dramatic increase of the percentage of old people in our population- this is what we call the aging of society. The basic question involved in this matter concerns the relationship of the different age groups to each other. What kind of solidarity is demanded from the younger generation and to what extent are they willing to provide it? Many old people, especially the very old ones, have to rely upon help from others for Ionger periods of time. To give them support may be a tough job with only little reward. The people involved are often unable to cope with the situation and it is not uncommon that mutual violence occurs. A prerequisite for real help and support is human attention and a conscious affirmation of life even if it is a dependent one in its last phase. In Switzerland -like in other countries- we only have homes and therapeutical institutions for long-term patients, but not enough people who are really willing to provide true care and counsel. It is necessary to accept that others are individuals and to be aware of alle the facets of life.