two epigraphic novelties found in castelseprio give us further information on Marcus sentius Macer and publius veturius labeo, whose names also appear on two funerary inscriptions recorded by CIL. the first novelty is an altar to Mars Militaris, whose cult is attested only in Britannia and in the two germaniae; the altar was dedicated by Marcus sentius Macer, probably the same veteranus legionis Iv scythicae who owned a funerary monument in the small town of Morazzone, not far from castelseprio. the second novelty is a piece of architrave that carries the name of publius veturius labeo, whose funerary stele was preserved in Milan and is now lost; the architrave was probably part of a religious building, which leads to identify in publius veturius labeo a rich and influent magnate who provided his community with some kind of aedicula. the craftsmanship differences give us an opportunity to face the issue of the epigraphic workers in the Milanese territory as well as the question of their customers’ taste