Results for ' Argumentum Ad Verecundiam'

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  1.  63
    Argumentum ad Verecundiam: New Gender-based Criteria for Appeals to Authority.Michelle Ciurria & Khameiel Altamimi - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (4):437-452.
    In his influential work on critical argumentation, Douglas Walton explains how to judge whether an argumentum ad verecundiam is fallacious or legitimate. He provides six critical questions and a number of ancillary sub-questions to guide the identification of reasonable appeals to authority. While it is common for informal logicians to acknowledge the role of bias in sampling procedures and hypothesis confirmation , there is a conspicuous lack of discourse on the effect of identity prejudice on judgments of authority, (...)
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    Argumentum ad Verecundiam.John Woods & Douglas Walton - 1974 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 7 (3):135 - 153.
  3.  38
    Argumentum Ad Alia: argument structure of arguing about what others have said.Chris Reed & Katarzyna Budzynska - 2023 - Synthese 201 (3):1-29.
    Expertise, authority, and testimony refer to aspects of one of the most important elements of communication and cognition. Argumentation theory recognises various forms of what we call the argumentum ad alia pattern, in which speakers appeal to what others have said, including Position to Know scheme, Witness Testimony scheme, Expert Opinion scheme and the classical ad verecundiam. In this paper we show that ad alia involves more than merely an inferential step from what others (a person in position (...)
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    Reasoned use of expertise in argumentation.Douglas N. Walton - 1989 - Argumentation 3 (1):59-73.
    This article evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of arguments based on appeals to expertise. The intersection of two areas is explored: (i) the traditional argumentum ad verecundiam (literally, “appeal to modesty,” but characteristically the appeal to the authority of expert judgment) in informal logic, and (ii) the uses of expert systems in artificial intelligence. The article identifies a model of practical reasoning that underlies the logic of expert systems and the model of argument appropriate for the informal logic (...)
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    Silence as an Argument and a Manifestation of Respect in the Argumentation in John Locke's Works.Olena Shcherbyna & Nataliia Shcherbyna - 2019 - Sententiae 38 (2):6-18.
    In the article, referring to the method of rational reconstruction described by R. Rorty, an analysis of some works of J. Locke has been made in order to identify new prospects in John Locke's philosophy researches. As a result, it’s been demonstrated the presence of silence as an argument and a manifestation of respect J. Locke’s research of realms of cognition, political philosophy and philosophy of education. This is not covered in modern John Locke's philosophy researches. The authors emphasize that (...)
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    Relevance.David Hitchcock - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (2):251-270.
    Relevance is a triadic relation between an item, an outcome or goal, and a situation. Causal relevance consists in an item's ability to help produce an outcome in a situation. Epistemic relevance, a distinct concept, consists in the ability of a piece of information (or a speech act communicating or requesting a piece of information) to help achieve an epistemic goal in a situation. It has this ability when it can be ineliminably combined with other at least potentially accurate information (...)
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    The Real Struggle: An Objective Notion of Expertise?Markus Seidel - 2016 - Informal Logic 36 (2):253-264.
    In a paper published in this journal Martin Hinton aims to show that the struggle between Moti Mizrahi and me about whether arguments from expert opinion are weak arguments rests on misunderstandings (Hinton 2015). Let me emphasize that I generally appreciate Hinton’s intention to settle the dispute between Mizrahi and myself in this way. 1 Furthermore, I also agree with Hinton’s conclusion that if Mizrahi is interpreted in the way Hinton does, then Mizrahi’s “claim becomes far less controversial, but also (...)
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  8. Why Fallacies Appear to be Better Arguments Than They Are.Douglas Walton - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (2):159-184.
    This paper offers a solution to the problem of understanding how a fallacious argument can be deceptive by “seeming to be valid”, or (better) appearing to be a better argument of its kind than it really is. The explanation of how fallacies are deceptive is based on heuristics and paraschemes. Heuristics are fast and frugal shortcuts to a solution to a problem that sometimes jump to a conclusion that is not justified. In fallacious instances, according to the theory proposed, this (...)
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    The appeal of gossiping fallacies and its eco-logical roots.Emanuele Bardone & Lorenzo Magnani - 2010 - Pragmatics and Cognition 18 (2):365-396.
    In this paper we show how some reasoning, though fallacious, can appear to be attractive and useful for beings-like-us. Although they do not provide conclusive evidence to support or reject a certain claim the way scientific statements do, they tell us something interesting about how humans build up their arguments and reasons. First of all, we will consider and investigate three main types of fallacies: argumentum ad hominem, argumentum ad verecundiam, and argumentum ad populum. These three (...)
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  10.  59
    Ethotic arguments and fallacies: The credibility function in multi-agent dialogue systems.Douglas N. Walton - 1999 - Pragmatics and Cognition 7 (1):177-203.
    In this paper, it is shown how formal dialectic can be extended to model multi-agent argumentation in which each participant is an agent. An agent is viewed as a participant in a dialogue who not only has goals, and the capability for actions, but who also has stable characteristics of types that can be relevant to an assessment of some of her arguments used in that dialogue. When agents engage in argumentation in dialogues, each agent has a credibility function that (...)
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  11.  42
    Two Fallacies.James Cargile - 2010 - Logos and Episteme 1 (2):257-268.
    In charging argumentum ad hominem, we accuse someone of attacking the source of a claim. In charging argumentum ad verecundiam, we attack the source of a claim. This is reason for attending to "attacking the source." It is important to distinguish probabilistic reasons for doubting a claim and evidentiary reasons. Evidence that the source of a claim is likely to be wrong is not evidence against the claim. The tendency to overlook this is the essential feature of (...)
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    Sobre argumentos de autoridade e sua legitimidade em debates filosóficos.Gabrielle Senter & Marcelo José Doro - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (3):128-142.
    Argumento de autoridade é todo aquele que pretende estabelecer a plausibilidade de uma proposição na credibilidade de quem a proferiu. Neste caso, a pessoa, disciplina ou tradição, a que se apela na argumentação, precisa ser aceita como uma autoridade incontestável na área da proposição em questão. O uso falacioso da autoridade, bastante frequente, faz com que os argumentos de autoridade em geral sejam mal vistos, mesmo quando pertinentes. Neste trabalho, revisa-se o conceito de argumento de autoridade e os critérios convencionais (...)
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  13. The Appeal to Expert Opinion in Contexts of Political Deliberation and the Problem of Group Bias.Lavinia Marin - 2013 - Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 62 (2):91-106.
    In this paper, I will try to answer the question: How are we supposed to assess the expert’s opinion in an argument from the position of an outsider to the specialized field? by placing it in the larger context of the political status of epistemic authority. In order to do this I will first sketch the actual debate around the problem of expertise in a democracy and relate this to the issue of the status of science in society. Secondly, I (...)
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  14.  20
    Argumentum Ad Baculum, Aristotelian Civic Fear, or Praeteritio: Threats in Anti-Choice Letters.Miriam O’Kane Mara - 2020 - Argumentation 35 (4):667-685.
    This essay investigates the rhetorical choices in archived letters to providers at a local abortion clinic through argumentum ad baculum and other fear appeal frames. Analysis of three types of threat—spiritual, physical, and professional—contained in the correspondence suggests that only the professional fear appeals correspond to true theat. The essay contends that while some of the letters contain either true threats or Aristotelian civic fear appeals, the writers more often make arguments that align with a new category I name (...)
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  15. On "Argumentum Ad Hominem".D. Gerber - 1974 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 55 (1):23.
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    What’s Wrong with Argumentum ad Baculum? Reasons, Threats, and Logical Norms.Robert H. Kimball - 2006 - Argumentation 20 (1):89-100.
    A dialogue-based analysis of informal fallacies does not provide a fully adequate explanation of our intuitions about what is wrong with ad baculum and of when it is admissible and when it is not. The dialogue-based analysis explains well why mild, benign threats can be legitimate in some situations, such as cooperative bargaining and negotiation, but does not satisfactorily account for what is objectionable about more malicious uses of threats to coerce and to intimidate. I propose an alternative deriving partly (...)
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  17. Argumentum ad hominem: From chaos to formal dialectic.Else M. Barth & Jan L. Martens - 1977 - Logique Et Analyse 20 (77):76-96.
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  18.  45
    Argumentum ad baculum.John Woods - 1998 - Argumentation 12 (4):493-504.
  19.  22
    The argumentum ad hominem and two theses about evolutionary epistemology: "Godelian" reflections.James E. Martin & George B. Kleindorfer - 1991 - Metaphilosophy 22 (1-2):63-75.
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    Argumentum ad Hominem: Aut Bonum aut Malum?John Hoaglund - 1981 - Informal Logic 4 (3).
  21.  35
    Argumentum ad feminam.Christina Sommers - 1991 - Journal of Social Philosophy 22 (1):5-19.
    The last issue of this journal published an exchange between Marilyn Friedman and me that had taken place at a lively session of the American Philosophical Association in December, 1990. Friedman's paper “‘They Lived Happily Ever After’: Sommers on Women and Marriage” was a barbed critique of my views on the family. My rejoinder, “Do These Feminist Like Women?” pointed out that Friedman's orthodox brand of feminism was not sensitive to the values and aspirations of most American women. That issue (...)
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  22. The Ad Verecundiam Fallacy and Appeals to Expert Testimony.Michael J. Shaffer - 2007 - In Proceedings of the 6th ISSA Conference on Argumentation.
    In this paper I argue that Tyler Burge's non-reductive view of testiomonial knowledge cannot adeqautrely discriminate between fallacious ad vericumdium appeals to expet testimony and legitimate appeals to authority.
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  23. Argumentum ad Hominem: From Chaos to Formal Dialectic. The Method of Dialogue-Tables as a Tool in the Theory of Fallacy.Barth Em & J. L. Martens - 1977 - Logique Et Analyse 20 (77-78):76-96.
  24.  58
    Historical Origins of Argumentum ad Consequentiam.Douglas Walton - 1999 - Argumentation 13 (3):251-264.
    What are the historical origins of the argumentum ad consequentiam, the argument from consequences, sometimes featured as an informal fallacy in logic textbooks? As shown in this paper, knowledge of the argument can be traced back to Aristotle. And this type of argument shows a spotty history of recognition in logic texts and manuals over the centuries. But how it got into the modern logic textbooks as a fallacy remains somewhat obscure. Its modern genesis is traced to the logic (...)
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  25. The 'Argumentum ad Hominem' and Two Theses about Evolutionary Epistemology: "Gödelian" Reflections.James E. Martin - 1991 - Metaphilosophy 22 (1):63.
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  26.  42
    The Argumentum Ad Adversarium.John McMurtry - 1986 - Informal Logic 8 (1).
  27.  24
    Appeal to Pity: Argumentum ad Misericordiam.Douglas Walton - 1997 - Albany, NY, USA: SUNY Press.
    A useful contribution to theories of argumentation and public address criticism, this book uses a pragmatic approach to understanding conversation as a way of elucidating the use of appeals to pity and sympathy.
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  28. The History of the Argumentum Ad Hominem Since the Seventeenth Century.Rob Grootendorst & Frans van Eemeren - 2015 - In Scott Jacobs, Sally Jackson, Frans Eemeren & Frans H. van Eemeren (eds.), Reasonableness and Effectiveness in Argumentative Discourse: Fifty Contributions to the Development of Pragma-Dialectics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    Forms of Authority and the Real Ad Verecundiam.Jean Goodwin - 1998 - Argumentation 12 (2):267-280.
    This paper provides a typology of appeals to authority, identifying three distinct types: that which is based on a command; that which is based on expertise; and that which is based on dignity. Each type is distinguished with respect to the reaction that a failure to follow it ordinarily evokes. The rhetorical roots of Locke's ad verecundiam are traced to the rhetorical practices of ancient Rome.
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  30.  46
    Ad Hominem and Ad Verecundiam.P. T. Mackenzie - 1980 - Informal Logic 3 (3).
  31.  20
    Introduction to ‘Philosophy and Argumentum ad Hominem’.Henry W. Johnstone Jr - 1993 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 12 (3-4):24-24.
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    The nature of the argumentum ad baculum.Gary Jason - 1987 - Philosophia 17 (4):491-499.
  33. Is There an Argumentum ad Hominem Fallacy?David Hitchcock - 2017 - In On Reasoning and Argument: Essays in Informal Logic and on Critical Thinking. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  34. Philosophy and Argumentum ad Hominem.Henry W. Johnstone - 1952 - Journal of Philosophy 49 (15):489.
  35. Philosophy and Argumentum ad Hominem'Revisited.".Henry W. Johnstone Jr - 1970 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 24 (1=91):107-116.
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  36. Relevance reviewed: The case of argumentum ad hominem. [REVIEW]Frans H. Eemeren & Rob Grootendorst - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (2):141-159.
    This article aims tt providing some conceptual tools for dealing adequately with relevance in argumentative discourse. For this purpose, argumentative relevance is defined as a functional interactional relation between certain elements in the discourse. In addition to the distinction between interpretive and evaluative relevance that can be traced in the literature, analytic relevance is introduced as an intermediary concept. In order to classify the various problems of relevance arising in interpreting, analyzing and evaluating argumentative discourse, a taxonomy is proposed in (...)
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    Introduction to ‘Philosophy and Argumentum ad Hominem’.Douglas Walton - 1993 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 12 (3-4):24-24.
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    What Type of Argument is an Ad Verecundiam?John Woods - 1979 - Informal Logic 2 (1).
    "What Type of Argument is an Ad Verecundiam?".
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    Knowledge by Telling: Reflections on the ad verecundiam.John Woods - unknown
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    A Christian for the Christians, a Christian for the Muslims! An Attempt at an Argumentum ad Hominem.Corinna Delkeskamp-Hayes - 1998 - Christian Bioethics 4 (3):284-304.
    Schmidt and Egler's critique of Christianity's exclusivist claim to truth rests on two suppositions: (a) that inter-religious pastoral care for dying patients requires a respect for their cultural backgrounds which necessitates accepting the equal validity of their respective (non-Christian) religions, and (b) that exclusivism is incompatible with the Christian love-of-neighbor commandment. In opposition to this critique, (a) the authors' own “pluralist” understanding of Christianity is refuted on two levels. First, it leads to inconsistencies in the authors' own (and very adequate) (...)
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    A Scheme and Critical Questions for the argumentum ad baculum.Shiyang Yu & Frank Zenker - 2023 - Topoi 42 (2):527-541.
    Instances of the ad baculum argument (also known as the threat appeal argument or the argument from threat) are common in both private and public sphere discourse. Although contemporary argumentation scholarship recognizes these instances as contingently fallacious, the literature lacks not only a well-motivated ad baculum argument scheme but also a complete list of critical questions (CQs). In combining argument scheme and speech act theoretic elements, we formulate the felicity conditions of the speech act of threatening from the viewpoint of (...)
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  42.  73
    The Appeal to Ignorance, or Argumentum Ad Ignorantiam.Douglas Walton - 1999 - Argumentation 13 (4):367-377.
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    Douglas Walton, The Appeal to Pity: Argumentum ad Misericordiam.Alan G. Gross - 1999 - Pragmatics and Cognition 7 (1):223-226.
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    Locke and Whately on the Argumentum ad Ignorantiam.H. Vilhelm Hansen - 1998 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 31 (1):56-64.
  45. Locke and Whately on the Argumentum ad Hominem.Henry W. Johnstone - 1996 - Argumentation 10 (1):89-97.
    This is an exploration of what Locke and Whately said about the Argumentatum ad Hominem, especially in the context of what they said about the other ad arguments, and with a view to ascertaining whether what they said lends support to the understanding of this argument implicit in Johnstone's thesis that all valid philosophical arguments are ad hominem. It is concluded that this support is forthcoming insofar as Locke and Whately had in mind an argument concerned with principles.The essay ends (...)
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  46.  16
    ‘Any,’ ‘Every,’ and the Philosophical Argumentum ad Hominem. Johnstone Jr - 1999 - ProtoSociology 13:126-132.
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  47. Douglas Walton, Appeal to Pity: Argumentum ad Misericordiam. [REVIEW]Robert Kimball - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18:383-385.
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    (1 other version)Ad Misericordiam Revisited.Miklós Könczöl - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 55 (1):115-129.
    The paper discusses the nature and functioning of argumentum ad misericordiam, a well-known but less theorised type of argument. A monograph by D. Walton (1997) offers an overview of definitions of misericordia (which he eventually translates as ‘pity’), as well as the careful analysis of several cases. Appeals to pity, Walton concludes, are not necessarily fallacious. This view seems to be supported and further refined by the critical remarks of H. V. Hansen (2000), as well as the recent work (...)
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  49.  85
    Ad hominem arguments in practical argumentation.Eerik Lagerspetz - 1995 - Argumentation 9 (2):363-370.
    This paper is ultimately about the nature of argumentation in general and about the nature of practical argumentation in particular. (Practical argumentation is the form of argumentation which aims at answering the question: ‘What is to be done?’) The approach adopted here is an indirect one. I analyze one traditional form of argumentive fallacyargumentum ad hominem and try to show that in some argumentative situations it is an intuitively legitimate move. These intuitions can be explained if we accept that practical (...)
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  50. The ad Hominem argument as an informal fallacy.Douglas N. Walton - 1987 - Argumentation 1 (3):317-331.
    This article outlines criteria for the evaluation of the argumentum ad hominem (argument against the person, or personal attack in argument) that is traditionally a part of the curriculum in informal logic. The argument is shown to be a kind of criticism which works by shifting the burden of proof in dialogue through citing a pragmatic inconsistency in an arguer's position. Several specific cases of ad hominem argumentation which pose interesting problems in analyzing this type of criticism are studied.
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