Results for ' European fiction'

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  1.  21
    European fiction—Facts or music?Aleksandra Wagner & Zdravko Blažeković - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):461-467.
  2.  41
    From Myth to Fiction: Why a Legalist-Constructivist Rescue of European Constitutional Ordering Fails.Ming-Sung Kuo - 2009 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 29 (3):579-602.
    The defeat of the Constitutional Treaty by French and Dutch voters in 2005 and the following stalemate of the Lisbon Treaty have sparked a soul-searching process for European constitutional scholarship. Among the numerous academic efforts devoted to contemplating the future of European constitution, Michelle Everson and Julia Eisner's The Making of a European Constitution: Judges and Law Beyond Constitutive Power deserves a close look. Everson and Eisner argue for a postconstituent view of European constitutionalization, which they (...)
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    Melancholy cosmopolitanism: reflections on a genre of European literary fiction.Ian Ellison - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (6):1022-1037.
    This essay considers how various European novels written and published around the turn of the millennium may be grouped together as an historically and geographically contingent literary genre, while also reflecting on the implications of this. In doing so, this essay coins the term ‘melancholy cosmopolitanism’ to best describe this genre of literary works. Ultimately, this genre suggests, first of all, that the sense of melancholy obsolescence articulated by European writers at this time is not confined to discrete (...)
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    Compelling Fictions: Spinoza and George Eliot on Imagination and Belief.Moira Gatens - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):74-90.
    Spinoza took it to be an important psychological fact that belief cannot be compelled. At the same time, he was well aware of the compelling power that religious and political fictions can have on the formation of our beliefs. I argue that Spinoza allows that there are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ fictions. His complex account of the imagination and fiction, and their disabling or enabling roles in gaining knowledge of Nature, is a site of disagreement among commentators. The novels of (...)
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    Fiction and the Agnostic.Robin Le Poidevin - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (3):163-181.
    Consider the agnostic who thinks that reason and evidence are neutral on the question of God’s existence, and as a result neither believes that God exists nor believes that God does not exist. Can such an agnostic live a genuinely religious life – even one in which God is the central animating idea? They might do so by accepting Pascal’s Wager: the expected rewards will always be greater if one bets on God’s existence than if one does not. Or they (...)
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  6. Fictions of the female voice: the women troubadours.Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner - 1992 - Speculum 67 (4):865-891.
    Not least among the many enigmas attending the origins and development of the first vernacular lyric in the European Middle Ages is the existence of at least twenty women poets who lived in southern France from about the mid-twelfth to the mid-thirteenth century and who participated in the highly conventionalized poetic system created by the troubadours, those humble poetlovers who sang to their beloved as domna, the superior lady. In periods when the tides of feminism are high these women's (...)
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    Mystery fiction in culture: evolution of genre and crisis of cultural paradigm of modernity.Пигалев С.А - 2020 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 5:21-34.
    The subject of this research is the phenomenon of mystery fiction and its evolution in the context of development of sociocultural project of modernity. The latter is viewed as a complex system, which fundamental principles permeate the entire fabrics of European culture, generating such phenomenon as a mystery fiction plot. The analysis of its varieties deepens the understanding of specificity of modernity and mature of crises that has captured it. Hermeneutic analysis allows going beyond the frames of (...)
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    Literature and rationality: ideas of agency in theory and fiction.Paisley Livingston - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book explores concepts of rationality drawn from philosophy and the social sciences, in relation to traditions of literary enquiry. The author surveys basic assumptions and questions in philosophical accounts of action, in decision theory, and in the theory of rational choice. He gives examples ranging from Icelandic sagas to Poe and Beckett, and examines some situations and actions drawn from American and European fiction in order to analyze issues raised by contemporary models of agency. Challenging poststructuralism's irrationalist (...)
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    Fictional mechanism explanations: clarifying explanatory holes in engineering science.Kristian González Barman - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (2):1-19.
    This paper discusses a class of mechanistic explanations employed in engineering science where the activities and organization of nonstandard entities are cited as core factors responsible for failures. Given the use of mechanistic language by engineers and the manifestly mechanistic structure of these explanations, I consider several interpretations of these explanations within the new mechanical framework. I argue that these interpretations fail to solve several philosophical problems and propose an account of fictional mechanism explanations instead. According to this account, fictional (...)
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  10.  55
    A European Identity: To the Historical Limits of a Concept.Bo Stråth - 2002 - European Journal of Social Theory 5 (4):387-401.
    The history of a European identity is the history of a concept and a discourse. A European identity is an abstraction and a fiction without essential proportions. Identity as a fiction does not undermine but rather helps to explain the power that the concept exercises. The concept since its introduction on the political agenda in 1973 has been highly ideologically loaded and in that capacity has been contested. There has been a high degree of agreement on (...)
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  11.  29
    John Cheng. Astounding Wonder: Imagining Science and Science Fiction in Interwar America. 392 pp., illus., index. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012. $45, £29.50 .Alexander C. T. Geppert . Imagining Outer Space: European Astroculture in the Twentieth Century. xvi + 393 pp., illus., bibl., index. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. $105. [REVIEW]Pamela Gossin - 2013 - Isis 104 (3):641-643.
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    “Oral Tradition” as Legal Fiction: The Challenge of Dechen Ts’edilhtan in Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia.Lorraine Weir - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (1):159-189.
    Often understood as synonymous with “oral history” in Indigenous title and rights cases in Canada, “oral tradition” as theorized by Jan Vansina is complexly imbricated in the European genealogy of “scientific history” and the archival science of Diplomatics with roots in the development of property law and memory from the time of Justinian. Focusing on Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia, which resulted in the first declaration of Aboriginal title in Canada, this paper will discuss Tsilhqot’in law in the context (...)
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  13.  61
    Offspring Fictions: Salman Rushdie's Family Novels. By Matt Kimmich.Tej N. Dhar - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (4):542 - 543.
    The European Legacy, Volume 17, Issue 4, Page 542-543, July 2012.
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    Novalis's philosophical fictions: Love, reason, and the given from the Fichte‐Studies to the Hymns to the Night.James D. Reid - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (3):703-722.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  15. Can Literary Fiction be Suppositional Reasoning?Gilbert Plumer - 2020 - In Catarina Dutilh Novaes, Henrike Jansen, Jan Albert Van Laar & Bart Verheij (eds.), Reason to Dissent: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Argumentation, Vol. III. College Publications+. pp. 279-289.
    Suppositional reasoning can seem spooky. Suppositional reasoners allegedly (e.g.) “extract knowledge from the sheer workings of their own minds” (Rosa), even where the knowledge is synthetic a posteriori. Can literary fiction pull such a rabbit out of its hat? Where P is a work’s fictional ‘premise’, some hold that some works reason declaratively (supposing P, Q), imperatively (supposing P, do Q), or interrogatively (supposing P, Q?), and that this can be a source of knowledge if the reasoning is good. (...)
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  16. The Narrative Identity of European Cities in Contemporary Literature.Sonja Novak, Mustafa Zeki Çıraklı, Asma Mehan & Silvia Quinteiro - 2023 - Journal of Narrative and Language Studies 11 (22):IV-VIII.
    This volume aimed to highlight narrative identities of European cities or city neighbourhoods that have been overlooked, such as mid-sized cities. These cities are neither small towns nor metropolises, cities that are now unveiling their appeal or specificity. The present special issue thus covers a range of representations of cities. The articles investigate more systematically how different texts deal with various cities from different experiential and fictional perspectives. The issue covers the geographical scope across Europe, from east to west (...)
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  17.  28
    Enlightenment and Political Fiction: The Everyday Intellectual.Cecilia Miller - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    ENLIGHTENMENT AND POLITICAL FICTION: -/- THE EVERYDAY INTELLECTUAL -/- (New York/London: Routledge, 2016). -/- Abstract -/- Advanced, theoretical ideas can be found in the most unlikely books. A handful of books—sometimes surprising ones—not only entertain the reader but also contribute to new ways of seeing the world. Indeed, some theorists explicitly cite literature. Adam Smith, for example, makes repeated references to Voltaire, and Marx later claims numerous literary sources, including Don Quixote. Why, though, should an historian of ideas direct (...)
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  18.  7
    Borders: Landscapes in Catalan Fiction Today: Feeling of Restlessness Produced by the Border in the Work of Vicenç Pagès, Joan Todó, and Francesc Serés.Maria Puig Parnau - 2017 - Environment, Space, Place 9 (2):95-113.
    Abstract:This article will analyze the feeling of restlessness that we discover in the representation of the border areas, seen as extreme and paradigmatic landscapes of contemporary society. The analysis is based on three narrative works of current Catalan literature: Dies de frontera (Frontier days; 2014) by Vicenç Pagèsa; La pell de la frontera (The skin of the frontier; 2014) by Francesc Serés, and L'horitzó primer (The first horizon; 2014) by Joan Todó. Traditional Catalan—and European—literature, has long since lent great (...)
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  19.  15
    Ancient Epistolary Fictions: The Letter in Greek Literature.Patricia A. Rosenmeyer - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    A comprehensive look at fictive letters in Greek literature from Homer to Philostratus, first published in 2001. It includes both embedded epistolary narratives in a variety of genres, and works consisting solely of letters, such as the pseudonymous letter collections and the invented letters of the Second Sophistic. The book challenges the notion that Ovid 'invented' the fictional letter form in his Heroides and considers a wealth of Greek antecedents for the later European epistolary novel tradition. Epistolary technique always (...)
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  20.  42
    Fictional contamination of hegemonical texts: History, fiction, and the Rosenberg case.Theodora Tsimpouki - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (4):781-786.
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  21.  26
    Reading fiction to understand the Soviet Union: Soviet dissidents on orwell's 1984.Jay Bergman - 1997 - History of European Ideas 23 (5-6):173-192.
  22. Fiction and Metaphysics. By Amie L. Thomasson.B. Polka - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (4):555-555.
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  23.  81
    Science (Fiction) and Posthuman Ethics: Redefining the Human.Elana Gomel - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (3):339-354.
    The boundaries of the ethical have traditionally coincided with the boundaries of humanity. This, however, is no longer the case. Scientific developments, such as genetic engineering, stem-cell research, cloning, the Human Genome Project, new paleontological evidence, and the rise of neuropsychology call into question the very notion of human being and thus require a new conceptual map for ethical judgment. The contours of this map may be seen to emerge in works of science fiction (SF), which not only vividly (...)
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  24.  25
    Fictional Characters, Real Problems.Rebecca Kingston - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (5):585-587.
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    Fictions of the French Revolution.Jennifer M. Jones - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (3):432-433.
  26.  25
    British Fictions of the Sixties: The Making of the Swinging Decade.William Gorski - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (6):712-713.
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  27.  45
    Fictions of Knowledge: Fact, Evidence, Doubt.Tej N. Dhar - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (1):91-93.
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  28.  13
    “Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and European Culture: On the 200th Anniversary of the Great Russian Writer” International Scientific Conference.Евгения Александровна Солошенко - 2023 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (1):148-159.
    The article provides a summary of “Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and European Culture” International Scientific Online Conference, held by the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian-European Intellectual Dialogue of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in cooperation with the Dostoevsky’s Moscow House Museum Center. At the conference, leading experts in various fields of the humanities presented various reports on the mutual influence of Dostoevsky and European culture. Research attention was paid to the problem of the (...)
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  29.  12
    Scientific representation, denotation, and fictional entities.Uskali Mäki, Ioannis Votsis, Stéphanie Ruphy & Gerhard Schurz - 2015 - In Lena Kästner (ed.), Recent developments in the philosophy of science: EPSA13 Helsinki. pp. 331-341.
    This volume showcases the best of recent research in the philosophy of science. A compilation of papers presented at the EPSA 13, it explores a broad distribution of topics such as causation, truthlikeness, scientific representation, gender-specific medicine, laws of nature, science funding and the wisdom of crowds. Papers are organised into headings which form the structure of the book. Readers will find that it covers several major fields within the philosophy of science, from general philosophy of science to the more (...)
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  30. Economists, university rankings, and leaving the European Union, by M*l*n K*nder*.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    In this paper, I present some responses to an argument made by an economist in an online video: that when Britain leaves the European Union, it will be taking many high ranking universities with it, which will lead to an innovation deficit in the union. I present some responses by means of a pastiche of a widely read European fiction writer.
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  31.  18
    Narrative Hospitality in Late Victorian Fiction: Novel Ethics.Rachel Hollander - 2012 - Routledge.
    Bringing together poststructuralist ethical theory with late Victorian debates about the morality of literature, this book reconsiders the ways in which novels engender an ethical orientation or response in their readers, explaining how the ...
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    Cosmic Explorations in Chinese Folk Science Fiction Mockumentaries: Anti-Rational Narrative and Cosmic Ecological Sensibility.Jiaxi Lu - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (4):272-294.
    The Chinese folk science fiction genre, as an emerging sub-genre of Chinese science fiction films, has sparked a certain amount of attention and discussion in conjunction with the mockumentary form. The Chinese folk science fiction mockumentary shows the science fiction of the folk, explores traces of extraterrestrial life in real space, and intrinsically expresses reflections on the cosmic ecological ethics and the relationship between human beings and the universe. It becomes worthwhile to explore how this genre (...)
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  33.  30
    Empowering Self-Care: Caring Things in Alice Dunbar-Nelson’s 1890s “New Woman” Short Fiction.Isobel Sigley - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-15.
    Alice Dunbar-Nelson is mostly remembered as a poet, activist, and ex-wife of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Her volume The Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories (1899) has been largely overshadowed as a result. Yet, the collection contains a portfolio of heroines analogous and contemporaneous to the famed New Woman figure of the fin de siècle. In this article, I consider Dunbar-Nelson’s heroines in light of their New Woman-esque agency and autonomy as they find remedies and power in objects and materials (...)
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  34.  37
    The Preverbal Roots of Fictional Thinking.Eli Rozik - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (3):301-316.
    This study suggests the rules that govern the fictional mode of thinking and ponders its possible preverbal roots. Fictional thinking is grafted upon the preverbal imagistic mode of representation, which reflects the spontaneous ability of the brain to produce images and employ them in thinking practices. The human brain spontaneously produces imagistic/fictional worlds that embody thoughts or, rather, bestow cultural form on the amorphous stirrings of the psyche. The creation of language probably had a dramatic impact on preverbal imagistic/fictional thinking (...)
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  35. Fictions of the Pose: Rembrandt against the Italian Renaissance. By Harry Berger, Jr.K. D. White - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (5):710-710.
  36.  53
    When Push Comes to Shove—The Moral Fiction of Reason-Based Situational Control and the Embodied Nature of Judgment.Lasse T. Bergmann & Jennifer Wagner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It is a common socio-moral practice to appeal to reasons as a guiding force for one’s actions. However, it is an intriguing possibility that this practice is based on fiction: reasons cannot or do not motivate the majority of actions—especially moral ones. Rather, pre-reflective evaluative processes are likely responsible for moral actions. Such a view faces two major challenges: i.) pre-reflective judgements are commonly thought of as inflexible in nature, and thus they cannot be the cause of the varied (...)
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  37.  59
    The case of biobank with the law: between a legal and scientific fiction.Judit Sándor, Petra Bárd, Claudio Tamburrini & Torbjörn Tännsjö - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (6):347-350.
    According to estimates more than 400 biobanks currently operate across Europe. The term ‘biobank’ indicates a specific field of genetic study that has quietly developed without any significant critical reflection across European societies. Although scientists now routinely use this phrase, the wider public is still confused when the word ‘bank’ is being connected with the collection of their biological samples. There is a striking lack of knowledge of this field. In the recent Eurobarometer survey it was demonstrated that even (...)
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  38.  36
    Report on the Tenth European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies Conference: History as a Challenge to Buddhism and Christianity.John O'Grady, Elizabeth J. Harris & Jonathan A. Seitz - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:189-192.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Report on the Tenth European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies Conference:History as a Challenge to Buddhism and ChristianityJohn O’Grady, Elizabeth J. Harris, and Jonathan A. SeitzThe Tenth Conference of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies (ENBCS) brought together between sixty and seventy people at the Oude Abdij, Drongen, Belgium, between 27 June and 1 July 2013, to examine the theme “History as a Challenge to Buddhism and Christianity.” (...)
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  39. According to the Fiction. A Metaexpressivist Account.Daniel Dohrn - 2015 - Proceedings of the European Society of Aesthetics 7.
    Abstract. I outline the standard picture of fiction. According to this picture, fiction is centred on making believe some truth-apt content. I take a closer look at everyday usage of the expressions ‘according to the fiction’ and ‘in the fiction’ to countervail the streamlining tendencies that come with the standard picture. Having outlined highly variegated use patterns, I argue for a metaexpressivist picture: ‘according to the fiction’ does not primarily report fictional truth but a complex (...)
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  40.  13
    The Fable and the Novel: Rethinking History of Korean Fiction from the Perspective of Narrative Aesthetics.Sohyeon Park - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.
    The genre of fable tends to be overlooked in the study of Korean literary history on the ground that the genre seems too archaic to reflect the aesthetic standards established in the modern European novel, in which the focus lies in the realistic representation of the individual or contemporary society. However, the genre was not completely abandoned by modern Korean writers. Few critics have noted the continuing role played by the rich Korean fable tradition, which eventually made the reinvention (...)
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  41.  17
    Cultural proximity in TV entertainment: An eight-country study on the relationship of nationality and the evaluation of U.S. prime-time fiction.Sabine Trepte - 2008 - Communications 33 (1):1-25.
    In previous research, cultural proximity has been operationalized by ‘hard facts’ such as geographical distance, the exchange of goods or persons and the similarity of political systems. This article will try to complement current work in the field by suggesting a new operationalization derived from Hofstede's cultural dimensions. A survey was conducted in eight countries with a student sample to find out if international audiences which resemble each other in terms of Hofstede's cultural dimensions have similar attitudes towards U.S. prime-time (...)
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  42.  65
    Implicit Assertions in Literary Fiction.Jukka Mikkonen - 2010 - Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics, Vol. 2.
    In analytic aesthetics, a popular ‘cognitivist’ line of thought maintains that literary works of fictional kind may ‘imply’ or ‘suggest’ truths. Nevertheless, so-called anti-cognitivists have considered the concepts of implication and suggestion both problematic. For instance, cognitivists’s use of the word ‘implication’ seems to differ from all philosophical conceptions of implication, and ‘suggestion’ is generally left unanalysed in their theories. This paper discusses the role, kinds and conception of implication or suggestion in literature, issues which have received little attention in (...)
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  43.  23
    The Fictional Arts: An Inter-Art Journey from Theatre Theory to the Arts.A. Robert Lauer - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (7):790-791.
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  44. Abstract Artifact Theory about Fictional Characters Defended — Why Sainsbury’s Category-Mistake Objection is Mistaken.Zsófia Zvolenszky - 2013 - Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics Vol. 5/2013.
    In this paper, I explore a line of argument against one form of realism about fictional characters : abstract artifact theory, the view according to which fictional characters like Harry Potter are part of our reality, but, they are abstract objects created by humans, akin to the institution of marriage and the game of soccer. I will defend artifactualism against an objection that Mark Sainsbury considers decisive against it: the category-mistake objection. The objection has it that artifactualism attributes to people (...)
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    Women Writers and Detectives in Nineteenth-Century Crime Fiction: The Mothers of the Mystery Genre. By Lucy Sussex.Lucia Rinaldi - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (3):426 - 426.
    The European Legacy, Volume 17, Issue 3, Page 426, June 2012.
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    Between Science and Fiction.Seth Vannatta - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (1):159-176.
    In this article I present two theories of historical inquiry, which I characterize as conservative and pragmatic. I argue that these two views of history, John Dewey’s and Hans Georg Gadamer’s, provide an excluded middle between the extremes of positivism and relativism. They are pragmatic insofar as they accept the anti-foundationalist critique of positivism; they are conservative insofar as they refuse to reduce historical inquiry to mere discourse or narrative. Both focus on the situatedness of historical inquiry, paying special attention (...)
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    Prester John: Fiction and history.Meir Bar-Ilan - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):291-298.
  48.  45
    The Possible Worlds of Hypertext Fiction. By Alice Bell.James Emmanuel - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (3):406 - 407.
    The European Legacy, Volume 17, Issue 3, Page 406-407, June 2012.
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    History and Cultural Memory in Neo-Victorian Fiction: Victorian Afterimages. By Kate Mitchell.Ioana Boghian - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (4):538 - 539.
    The European Legacy, Volume 17, Issue 4, Page 538-539, July 2012.
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    (1 other version)Scientific representation, denotation, and fictional entities.Mauricio Suárez - 2015 - In .
    This volume showcases the best of recent research in the philosophy of science. A compilation of papers presented at the EPSA 13, it explores a broad distribution of topics such as causation, truthlikeness, scientific representation, gender-specific medicine, laws of nature, science funding and the wisdom of crowds. Papers are organised into headings which form the structure of the book. Readers will find that it covers several major fields within the philosophy of science, from general philosophy of science to the more (...)
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