Results for ' Ezz-Al-Din-e-Kashi '

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  1.  34
    The Planetary Equatorium of Jamshīd Ghiyāth al-Dīn al-KāshīThe Planetary Equatorium of Jamshid Ghiyath al-Din al-Kashi.Olaf Pedersen & E. S. Kennedy - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (3):365.
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  2. Symbolisme et herméneutique dans la pensée d'Ibn ʻArabī. ʻAlāʼ & Bakrī al-Dīn (eds.) - 2007 - Damas: Institut français du Proche-Orient.
  3. On the incoherence of molinism: incompatibility of middle knowledge with divine immutability.Farid al-Din Sebt, Ebrahim Azadegan & Mahdi Esfahani - 2024 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 96 (1):23-34.
    We argue that there is an incompatibility between the two basic principles of Molinism, i.e., God’s middle knowledge of counterfactuals of creaturely freedom, and divine immutability. To this end, firstly, we set out the difference between strong and weak immutability: according to the latter only God’s essential attributes remain unchanged, while the former affirms that God cannot change in any way. Our next step is to argue that Molinism ascribes strong immutability to God. However, according to Molinism, some counterfactuals of (...)
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  4.  39
    Burhān al-dīn Nasafī as the Author of Al-Manṭiq al-kabīr(MS Aḥmad iii, no. 3401).Asadollah Fallahi - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):246-261.
    Recently, in ‘An inquiry on Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī’s authorship of Al-manṭiq al-kabι¯r (MS Aḥmad iii, no. 3401)’, we refuted the quite common view among historians of Arabic logic as to attribute Al-manṭiq al-kabι¯r (Major [book on] logic) to Fakhr al-dīn Rāzī; however, in that paper, we could not identify the real author of the book. In this paper, we try to show that Al-manṭiq al-kabι¯r was written by Burhān al-dīn Nasafī (1203–1288), who authored another book, Sharḥ Asās al-kiyāsa whose logical (...)
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    Rukn al-Dīn ‎al-Samarqandī’s ‎Work Titled ‘Risālat al-rūḥ/Risalah of Soul’: Analysis and Investigation.Mustafa Vacid AĞAOĞLU - 2023 - Kader 21 (2):576-610.
    The matter of the soul has been one of the most important and central matters in the history of Islamic science and thought. For the soul constitutes one of the two elements that make up the human being, and the issue of the human being has undoubtedly been one of the most prominent matters in Islamic civilization and has been a major preoccupation for Islamic intellectuals. In this context, the Islamic basin of knowledge and thought has constructed two main definitions (...)
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  6.  31
    Jalāl al-dīn al-SuyūṭīJalal al-din al-Suyuti.William M. Brinner & E. M. Sartain - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (2):135.
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  7.  19
    Emancipative Islamic theology and Hifz Al-Din: Muslim youth resistance against shamanism.Hasnah Nasution, Muhammad S. A. Nasution, Wulan Dayu, Hasan Matsum, Ahmad Tamami & Imam E. Islamy - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    The resistance of Muslims to shamanism began when lies of the shamans were exposed on social media. Many shamans practise fraud under the guise of religion. Magical objects such as luminous daggers or stones that emit smoke, used by shamans as occult actors are also known to be objects of magic tricks that are sold freely and can be used by anyone. Scholars also continuously preach that Muslims’ belief in shamans is forbidden. Therefore, Muslims in Indonesia fear that believing in (...)
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  8. Sot︠s︡ialʹnye, ėticheskie i ėsteticheskie vzgli︠a︡dy alʹ-Farabi.M. S. Burabaev & Zh M. Abdilʹdin (eds.) - 1984 - Alma-Ata: Izd-vo "Nauka" Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
  9.  20
    Qutb al-Din al-Razi and the Problem of Universals: A Fourteenth-Century Critique of Avicenna’s Theory of Natural Universals.Wahid M. Amin - 2019 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 5 (2):25-58.
    Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences, issued twice a year in English and Turkish (Nazariyat İslam Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi), is a refereed international journal. It publishes original studies, critical editions of classical texts and book reviews on Islamic philosophy, kalām, theoretical aspects of Sufism and the history of sciences. The goal of Nazariyat is to contribute to the discovery, examination and reinterpretation of the theoretical traditions in the history of Islamic thought, by giving (...)
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  10.  82
    Concordance et indices de la tradition musulmaneHistoire des croisades et du royaume franc de Jérusalem. Vol. I: L'anarchie musulmane et la monarchie franque (1097-1131)The Kingdom of the CrusadesMoslem Schisms and Sects (al-Farḳ bạin al-Firaḳ)Diwan of Khaki KhorasaniTwo Early Ismaili Treatises, i. e. Haft Babi Bab Sayyid-na and Matlubu'l-Mu'mininTrue Meaning of Religion, i. e. Risala dar Haqqiqati DinAl-Islām w-al-Tajdīd fi MiṣrMonetary and Banking System of SyriaThe Yazīdis, Past and Present. [REVIEW]Philip K. Hitti, A. J. Wensinck, René Grousset, Dana C. Munro, Abraham S. Halkin, W. Ivanow, Nasir'D.-din Tusi, Shihabu' din Shah, Ivanow, 'Abbās Maḥmūd, Sa'īd B. Ḥimādeh, Ismā'īl Beg Chol, Costi K. Zurayq, Anīs Khūri al-Maqdisi, Jibrā'īl S. Jabbūr, Al-amīr Ḥaydar al-Shihābi, Asad Rustum, Fu'ād I. al-Bustāni, Rene Grousset, 'Abbas Mahmud, Sa'id B. Himadeh, Isma'il Beg Chol, Anis Khuri al-Maqdisi, Jibra'il S. Jabbur, Al-Amir Haydar Al-Shihabi & Fu'ad I. al-Bustani - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (4):510.
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  11.  27
    Al-Kāshī's "Plate of Conjunctions".E. Kennedy - 1947 - Isis 38 (1/2):56-59.
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    “He lifted the veil of the mysteries of meaning”: Summarizing of Farid al-din ‘attar’s philosophical views.Y. E. Fedorova - 2018 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 22 (4):468-475.
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    Was Qutb al-Din al-Razi al-Tahtani a Sunni or a Shı‘i?: An Examination of Bio-bibliographical Sources.Michael A. Rapoport - 2019 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 5 (2):119-142.
    Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences, issued twice a year in English and Turkish (Nazariyat İslam Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi), is a refereed international journal. It publishes original studies, critical editions of classical texts and book reviews on Islamic philosophy, kalām, theoretical aspects of Sufism and the history of sciences. The goal of Nazariyat is to contribute to the discovery, examination and reinterpretation of the theoretical traditions in the history of Islamic thought, by giving (...)
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  14.  50
    Al-Kashi on Root Extraction. Abdul-Kader Dakhel, Wasfi A. Hijab, E. S. Kennedy.A. Youschkevitch - 1963 - Isis 54 (3):420-421.
  15. Le calcul du maximum et la “dérivée” selon Sharaf al-Dīn al- ūsī.Nicolas Farès - 1995 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 5 (2):219.
    The importance of the Treatise on equations by Sharaf al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī has been brought to our attention by R. Rashed, who underlined the analytical aspects of this essentially algebraic work. Following Rashed, this article concentrates on one of these analytical concepts, namely the maximum of a polynomial expression f of degree 3. The purpose is to clarify the techniques that led al-Ṭūsī, when computing the maximum of f, to systematically display algebraic equations equivalent to f = 0. By demonstrating that (...)
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  16. Islam and Science: The Intellectual Career of Nizam al-Din al-Nisaburi. [REVIEW]John Walbridge - 2012 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 33 (1-2).
    Nizam al-Din al-Nisaburi... is not exactly a household name, even for those involved with the history of Islamic science or Islamic thought in general. He was born around 1270 C.E. in Nishapur, at that time a major city in northeastern Iran, and died around 1330. He was probably a Shi'ite, though not aggressively so, to judge from his writings. Like most medieval Islamic scholars, he wrote in several fields. Works of his survive on astronomy, Qur'an commentary, and rhetoric, but this (...)
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  17. Meḥḳar hashṿaʼati: Kitab Kifayah Alʻabidin le-R. Avraham ben ha-Rambam ṿe- Ihyā Ulum al-Din le-Abu Ḥamid Muḥamad Algazali.Joav Avtalion - 2010 - Ramat Gan: Universitat Bar Ilan.
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    Il dibattito sulla scienza prima tra filosofia e mistica: la corrispondenza tra Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsi e Sadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī.Patrizia Spallino - 2005 - Quaestio 5 (1):363-374.
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  19.  33
    A Fifteenth-Century Planetary Computer: al-Kāshī's "Ṭabaq al-Manāṭeq" I. Motion of the Sun and Moon in Longitude.E. Kennedy - 1950 - Isis 41 (2):180-183.
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    A Fifteenth-Century Planetary Computer: al-Kāshī's "Ṭabaq al-Manāṭeq". II. Longitudes, Distances, and Equations of the Planets.E. Kennedy - 1952 - Isis 43 (1):42-50.
  21.  26
    The Problem of Existential Import in Metathetic Propositions: Qutb al-Din al-Tahtani contra Fakhr al-Din al-Razi.Yusuf Daşdemir - 2019 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 5 (2):81-118.
    Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences, issued twice a year in English and Turkish (Nazariyat İslam Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi), is a refereed international journal. It publishes original studies, critical editions of classical texts and book reviews on Islamic philosophy, kalām, theoretical aspects of Sufism and the history of sciences. The goal of Nazariyat is to contribute to the discovery, examination and reinterpretation of the theoretical traditions in the history of Islamic thought, by giving (...)
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  22.  14
    A Constitutive Work in the Sharh Tradition of Quranic Exegesis: Qutb al-Din al-Razi’s Sharh Mushkilat al-Kashshaf.M. Taha Boyalık - 2019 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 5 (2):143-166.
    Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences, issued twice a year in English and Turkish (Nazariyat İslam Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi), is a refereed international journal. It publishes original studies, critical editions of classical texts and book reviews on Islamic philosophy, kalām, theoretical aspects of Sufism and the history of sciences. The goal of Nazariyat is to contribute to the discovery, examination and reinterpretation of the theoretical traditions in the history of Islamic thought, by giving (...)
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  23.  18
    A New Take on Semantics, Syntax, and the Copula: Note on Qutb al-Din al-Razi al-Tahtani’s Analysis of Atomic Propositions in the Lawami‘ al-asrar.Dustin D. Klinger - 2019 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 5 (2):59-80.
    Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences, issued twice a year in English and Turkish (Nazariyat İslam Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi), is a refereed international journal. It publishes original studies, critical editions of classical texts and book reviews on Islamic philosophy, kalām, theoretical aspects of Sufism and the history of sciences. The goal of Nazariyat is to contribute to the discovery, examination and reinterpretation of the theoretical traditions in the history of Islamic thought, by giving (...)
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  24.  24
    Sajjad Nikfahm; Fateme Savadi (Editors). Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Ṭūsī’s al-Risāla al-Muʿīniyya (The Muʿīniyya Treatise) and Its Supplement. (Critical Edition of the Persian Texts, 1.) 354 pp. Tehran: Miras-e Maktoob, 2020. $23.04 (cloth); ISBN 9786002032034. [REVIEW]Amir-Mohammad Gamini - 2022 - Isis 113 (1):175-177.
  25. Le metamorfosi dell'anima E gli stadi Della via spirituale: Considerazioni intorno a al-sayr wa-l-sulûk ilâ maliki-1-mulûk dello shaykh qâsim Ibn salâh al-dîn al-khânî di aleppo (1619-1697). [REVIEW]Demetrio Giordani - 2007 - Divus Thomas 110 (3):117-134.
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  26.  33
    Klyuch Arifmetiki; Traktat ob Okruzhnosti. The Key to Arithmetic and the Treatise on the Circumference. Dzhemshid Giyaseddin Al-Kashi, B. A. Rosenfelda, V. S. Segal, A. P. Yushkevich. [REVIEW]E. Kennedy - 1959 - Isis 50 (1):72-75.
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    Rashīd al-Dīn's History of IndiaRashid al-Din's History of India.Oleg Grabar, Karl Jahn, Rashīd al-Dīn & Rashid al-Din - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (4):623.
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  28.  61
    La Quiétude de l'intellect: Néoplatonisme et gnose ismaélienne dans l'oeuvre de Ḥamīd ad-Dīn al-Kirmānī (Xe/XIe s.)La Quietude de l'intellect: Neoplatonisme et gnose ismaelienne dans l'oeuvre de Hamid ad-Din al-Kirmani.Paul E. Walker & D. de Smet - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (2):386.
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    The Mystical Philosophy of Muhyid Dín: Ibnuí' Arabí.E. A. M. - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (61):99-99.
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  30. Dfvelopment of logic in contemporary thinking.Mojtabavi Jalal-Al Din - 1976 - Pakistan Philosophical Journal 15:27.
  31.  17
    The amazing discoveries of Ibn Sina.Fāṭimah Sharaf al-Dīn - 2015 - Berkeley, CA: Groundwood Books/House of Anansi Press. Edited by Inṭilaq Muḥammad ʻAli.
    Introduces young readers to Ibn Sina, telling his story as he might tell it himself. It provides a fascinating glimpse into the life of this philosopher, scientist and physician who was one of the greatest thinkers of his time.
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  32.  10
    Dat ha-netsaḥ ṿe-tsorkhe shaʻah: ʻal ha-dinamiyut shel ha-Halakhah be-maḥshevet Yiśraʼel ṿe-hashṿaʼat ha-Halakhah, ha-mishpaṭ ha-Ḳanoni ṿeha-din ha-Muslemi be-yaḥasam le-shinuyim.Zeév W. Falk - 1986 - Yerushalayim: Mesharim.
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  33. Kodul moral al konstruktoruluĭ komunizmuluĭ: material didaktik pentru propagandishtʹ shi askultėtorʹ din sistemul ynvėt︠s︡ėmyntuluĭ de partid.Aleksandr Sergeevich Vishni︠a︡kov & M. G. Zhuravkov (eds.) - 1966 - Kishinėu: Editura de partid a Komitetuluĭ Chentral al PK al Moldoveĭ.
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  34. The Methodological Issues on Al-Jazari’s Scientific Heritage in Russian Studies.Fegani Beyler - 2023 - Bingöl University Journal of Social Sciences Institute 25 (25):160-169.
    Extensive scientific, philosophical and artistic activities were carried out in the Islamic World’s various science and civilization centers during the early Middle Ages. In these centers, noteworthy works of mathematics, astronomy, geography, medicine, pharmacology, optics, botany, chemistry and other fields of science, which would later determine improvement paths for these fields, were created. Abu al-Izz Ismail ibn al-Razzaz al-Jazari (12th-13th centuries), was a magnificent Muslim scientist known for his work named The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices (Kitab fi (...)
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  35.  87
    Baburnama: Chaghatay Turkish Text with Abdul-Rahim Khankhanan's Persian TranslationBābūr-nāma, by Zahīr al-Dīn Muḥammad BābūrBabur-nama, by Zahir al-Din Muhammad Babur.Robert Dankoff, Abdul-Rahim Khankhanan, W. M. Thackston, Eijo Mano, Zahīr al-Dīn Muḥammad Bābūr & Zahir al-Din Muhammad Babur - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (4):744.
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  36.  63
    Muntazaʿ al-akhbār fī akhbār al-duʿāt al-akhyār (The History of the Ismāʿīlī Ṭayyibī daʿwa up to the Dāʾūdī-Sulaymānī Schism), by Quṭb al-Dīn Sulaymānī BurhānpūrīMuntaza al-akhbar fi akhbar al-duat al-akhyar (The History of the Ismaili Tayyibi dawa up to the Daudi-Sulaymani Schism), by Qutb al-Din Sulaymani Burhanpuri.Ismail K. Poonawala, Samer F. Traboulsi, Quṭb al-Dīn Sulaymānī Burhānpūrī & Qutb al-Din Sulaymani Burhanpuri - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (1):112.
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  37. Dirāsāt fī al-fikr al-falsafī al-Islāmī.Husam Muhyi al-din Alusi - 1980 - Bayrūt: al-Muʼassasah al-ʻArabīyah lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nashr.
  38. Miʻyār al-ʻilm fī al-manṭiq.Ahmad Ghazzali & Shams al-din - 1990 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah. Edited by Ahmad Shamsuddin.
  39. Imām Rāzī's ʻIlm al-akhlāq.Fakhr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar Rāzī & M. Ṣaghīr Ḥasan Maʻṣūmī - 1969 - Islamabad: Islamic Research Institute. Edited by M. Ṣaghīr Hasan Maʻṣūmī.
  40.  10
    The Distinctive Terminology in šarḥ Al-Kāfiya by Raḍī L-Dīn Al-ʾastarābāḏī.Beata Sheyhatovitch - 2018 - Brill.
    In _The distinctive terminology in Šarḥ al-Kāfiya by Raḍī l-Dīn al-ʾAstarābāḏī_ Beata Sheyhatovitch offers a comprehensive and systematic study of terminology used by a highly perceptive and original Arab grammarian from 13th century C.E.
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  41. Rasāʼil falsafīyah lī-Abī Bakr Ibn Bājjah: nuṣūṣ falsafīyah ghayr manshūrah.Jamal al-din Alawi & Avempace - 1983 - al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ, al-Maghrib: Dār al-Nashr al-Maghribīyah. Edited by Avempace.
  42.  25
    The Treatise on the Egyptian Pyramids.Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī & Leon Nemoy - 1939 - Isis 30 (1):17-37.
  43. Anthologie des Philosophes Iraniens Depuis le Xviie Siècle Jusqu À Nos Jours. Textes Persans Et Arabes Choisis Et Présentés Par Sayyed Jal'loddîn Ashtiy'nî. Introduction Analytique Par Henry Corbin.Jalal al-din Ashtiyani & Henry Corbin - 1971 - Departement d'Iranologie de l'Institut Franco-Iranien de Recherche.
  44. Muntakhabati Az Asar-I Hukama-Yi Ilahi-I Iran Az Asr-I Mir Damad Va Mir Findirski Ta Zaman-I Hazir.Jalal al-din Ashtiyani & Henry Corbin - 1984 - Markaz-I Intisharat-I Daftar-I Tablighat-I Islami, Hawzah-'I Ilmiyah-'I Qum.
  45. Muntakhabati Az Asar-I Hukama-Yi Ilahi-I Iran.Henry Corbin & Jalal al-din Ashtiyani - 1972 - Qismat-I Iranshinasi-I Anistitu-I Iran Va Faransah.
  46. Practical philosophy of the Muhammadan people: exhibited in its professed connexion with the European, so as to render either an introduction to the other: being a translation of the Akhlak-i Jalaly... from the Persian of Fakir Jany Muhammad Asaad.Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Asʻad Dawānī - 1839 - Karachi: Karimsons. Edited by W. F. Thompson.
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  47. The English translation of Akhlak-i-Jalali: a code of morality in Persian.Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Asʻad Dawānī - 1939 - Lahore,: Mubarak Ali. Edited by S. H. Deen.
  48.  26
    Épitre sur l'Unité et la Trinité, Traité sur l'Intellect, Fragment sur l'AmeEpitre sur l'Unite et la Trinite, Traite sur l'Intellect, Fragment sur l'Ame.Nicholas L. Heer, Muḥyī al-Dīn al-'Ajamī al-Iṣfahānī, M. Allard, G. Troupeau & Muhyi al-Din al-'Ajami al-Isfahani - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (2):188.
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  49.  36
    A History of the Ayyubid Sultans of Egypt.R. Stephen Humphreys, Taqī al-Dīn al-Maqrīzī, R. J. C. Broadhurst & Taqi al-Din al-Maqrizi - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (2):449.
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  50.  13
    Inner light =.Shihāb al-Dīn Kumījānī, Hossein Ziai & Muḥammad Karīmī Zanjānīʹaṣl - 2012 - Costa Mesa, California: Mazda Publishers. Edited by Hossein Ziai & Muḥammad Karīmī Zanjānīʹaṣl.
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