Results for ' Hegel's influences on Marx's thought ‐ acknowledged and unacknowledged, being pervasive'

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  1.  14
    Hegel and Marx.Andrew Chitty - 2011 - In Stephen Houlgate & Michael Baur, A Companion to Hegel. Malden, MA: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 475–500.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Humanity, Mutual Recognition, and the State in Hegel Species‐Being and Communism in Marx Hegel on the Roman World Marx on the Modern State and Capital Marx on His Relation to Hegel Conclusion Bibliography.
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    Hegel’s Retreat from Eleusis. [REVIEW]R. N. Berki - 1978 - The Owl of Minerva 10 (1):7-9.
    Professor Kelly has produced a most delectable collection of essays, all distinguished by great felecity of style, profound erudition in the areas covered and topics discussed, and highly thought-provoking arguments and lines of interpretation - features which do not come as a surprise to those familiar with his previous work. The book will be of considerable interest to political philosophers, historians of ideas whether or not closely concerned with Hegel, and to Hegel-scholars, probably in this order. To wit, the (...)
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  3.  13
    Introduction to Aristotle’s Theory of Being as Being.Werner Marx - 1977 - The Hague: M. Nijhoff.
    Philosophy finds itself "between tradition and another beginning." 1 For this reason it seems necessary to reconsider the foundations of traditional philosophy in the hope that out of these considerations new questions may arise which may lead to a new philosophical foundation. To this end neither the large manual nor the monograph is well suited. What is required, instead, is to take a few steps which lead our thoughts directly into the problems of a given, traditional, philosophical foun dation. In (...)
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  4.  65
    Marx's Theory of Alienation. [REVIEW]B. H. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):750-751.
    Marxists tend to write not only with conviction, but with passion, flowing from an active commitment to the emancipation of mankind. In the hands of a dogmatist, such conviction and passion can serve to forge new chains. In the hands of a creative thinker, they can give wings to the freedom struggle. Mészáros' book is a "winger"--one of the most far-ranging books on the subject of Marx's theory of alienation since Lukács' seminal Geschichte und Klassenbewusstsein and his chapter on (...)
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  5. Hegel's Moral Philosophy.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2016 - In Dean Moyar, Oxford Handbook to Hegel's Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
    Does Hegel have anything to contribute to moral philosophy? If moral philosophy presupposes the soundness of what he calls the 'standpoint of morality [Moralität]' (PR §137), then Hegel's contribution is likely to be negative. As is well known, he argues that morality fails to provide us with substantive answers to questions about what is good or morally required and tends to gives us a distorted, subject-centred view of our practical lives; moral concerns are best addressed from the 'standpoint of (...)
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    Peirce’s influence on Haack's reflections on the nature of logic.Anderson Luis Nakano - 2021 - Cognitio 22 (1):e54045.
    In her book Deviant Logic, Susan Haack argued for a “pragmatist” conception of logic. This conception holds that, logic is a theory on a par with other scientific theories, differing only from such theories by its degree of generality and the choice of a particular logic is to be made based on pragmatist principles, namely, economy, coherence, and simplicity. This view was contrasted, in this book, with an “absolutist” view of logic, according to which logical laws are necessary and immune (...)
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  7.  8
    The Incarnation of God: An Introduction to Hegel’s Theological Thought as Prolegomena to a Future Christology by Hans Küng.Thomas Weinandy - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (4):693-700.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Incarnation of God: An Introduction to Hegel's Theological Thought as Prolegomena to a Future Christology. By HANS Kii'NG. Translated by J. R. Stephenson. New York: Crossroad, 1987. Pp. 601. $37.50 (cloth bound). This is an imposing book (first German edition, 1970), not only in length, but in breadth of presentation. Kiing, in the introduction, outlines the philosophical, theological and cultural milieus out of which (...)
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  8.  46
    The Influence of Heidegger’s Thought on the Development of Philosophy in Ex-Yugoslav Countries.Dean Komel - 2018 - Human Studies 41 (4):643-660.
    The purpose of the article is to present the outlines of the reception and the influence of Heidegger’s philosophy on the territory of former Yugoslavia. This reception and influence were in their essence co-conditioned by specific political, social and cultural circumstances in the region, which were throughout accompanied by “the syndrome of dehumanization”. The confrontation with Heidegger’s philosophy is therefore co-defined by the profoundly experienced crisis of European humanity. During both world wars the attempt of an overcoming of this crisis (...)
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  9.  68
    The Ontology of Production in Marx.David R. Lachterman - 1996 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 19 (1):3-23.
    Praxis is the identifying signature of the most prevalent contemporary versions of the reception and interpretation of Marx and of the movements of thought inspired or provoked by him. This view seems to accord well with the early “Theses on Feuerbach” and is frequently mobilized in support of the further claim that the “mature” or “scientific” Marx, the Marx of Das Kapital, above all had left behind his former preoccupations with philosophy in anything like a traditional sense, in order (...)
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  10.  19
    Mendel's Influence on the World of Thought.Raphael C. McCarthy - 1928 - Modern Schoolman 4 (6):87-88.
    Father Raphael C. McCarthy Doctor of Philosophy of London University and Professor of Experimental Psychology at St. Louis University, contributes this paper as a general estimate of the influence which one man has exerted upon the vast and complex network of scientific world thought. We also acknowledge our indebtedness for this paper to Mr. William J. Miller of the School of Philosophy, who prepared it for those pages.
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    Hegel's Philosophy of mind: being part three of the 'Encyclopaedia of the philosophical sciences' (1830).Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1971 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
    Hegel is an immensely important yet difficult philosopher. His Philosophy of Mind is one of the main pillars of his thought. Michael Inwood, highly respected for his previous work on Hegel, presents this central work to the modern reader in an accurate new translation supported by a philosophically sophisticated editorial introduction and elucidating scholarly commentary.
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  12.  42
    “Jewish Existence as a Category of Being”: Revisiting Franz Rosenzweig’s Influence on Levinas’s Work.Silvia Richter - 2021 - Levinas Studies 15:13-36.
    This article reconsiders the influence of Rosenzweig’s thought on Levinas’s work in the light of the captivity notebooks (Carnets de captivité), as well as the lectures given shortly after the war at the Collège philosophique. Levinas’s ongoing dealings with Rosenzweig are discussed in two ways: first, by analyzing the articles he explicitly dedicated to Rosenzweig and, second, by identifying elements of Rosenzweig’s thought in Levinas’s work that are not explicitly mentioned therein. By combining these two approaches, I show (...)
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  13.  75
    Feuerbach.Marx W. Wartofsky - 1977 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Feuerbach is now recognized as a central figure in the history of nineteenth-century thought. He was one of Hegel's most influential pupils: he dominated German radical philosophy in the 1840s and was the leader of the Young Hegelians; his 'anthropological' critique of Hegel's idealism decisively influences the materialism and humanism of Marx and Engels; his critique of religion pointed the way for the philosophers of religion; and his psychological analyses found a place in Freudian thought (...)
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  14.  34
    Genus-Being: On Marx’s Dialectical Naturalism.Thomas Khurana - 2022 - New York City, New York, USA: Routledge.
    In his 1844 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, Marx famously claims that the human being is or has a ‘Gattungswesen.’ This is often understood to mean that the human being is a ‘species-being’ and is determined by a given ‘species-essence.’ In this chapter, I argue that this reading is mistaken. What Marx calls Gattungswesen is precisely not a ‘species-being,’ but a being that, in a very specific sense, transcends the limits of its own given species. This (...)
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  15.  5
    From Heaven to Earth: A Study of the Critical Thought of Religion in the Introduction to Marx’s Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law.Chenggong Wang - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):1-23.
    This paper discusses in depth the critical thought of religion shown by young Marx in the Introduction to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law, which is not only an important part of Marx's early theoretical explorations, but also an important symbol of his transformation from idealism to materialism. In the Introduction to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law, Marx systematically expounded the nature, function, root of reality, and critical method of religion through the perspective (...)
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  16.  8
    Volume 14: Kierkegaard's Influence on Social-Political Thought.Jon Stewart - 2011 - Routledge.
    Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- List of Contributors -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- List of Abbreviations -- Giorgio Agamben: State of Exception -- Hannah Arendt: Religion, Politics and the Influence of Kierkegaard -- Alain Badiou: Thinking the Subject after the Death of God -- Judith Butler: Kierkegaard as Her Early Teacher in Rhetoric and Parody -- Jürgen Habermas: Social Selfhood, Religion, and Kierkegaard -- Martin Luther King, Jr.: Kierkegaard's Works of (...)
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  17. Norman Levine, Marx's Discourse with Hegel. [REVIEW]Jacob Blumenfeld - 2013 - Marx-Engels Jahrbuch 2012:298-302.
    Norman Levine: Marx’s Discourse with Hegel. Basingstoke: Palgrave Mac- millan 2012. 360 pages. ISBN 978-0230293342. Review by Jacob Blumenfeld -/- “Marx appropriated Hegel’s method, but he rejected Hegel’s system.” This is the core idea that Norman Levine repeatedly asserts throughout his most recent book, Marx’s Discourse with Hegel. Although this is Levine’s main point, it is by far the least interesting and perhaps the least convincing idea to stem from his extensive research. His contribution to the long debate concerning the (...)
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  18.  85
    Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, with Marx’s Commentary. [REVIEW]James Doull - 1975 - The Owl of Minerva 7 (1):5-7.
    This book has the modest and practical intention of providing students with “a readable paraphrase” of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right and of Marx’s Critique of it. In this the assumption is made that the Ph.R. is difficult beyond need and that it was a reasonable desire of Marx, unfortunately unfulfilled, “to present the philosophy of Hegel in a form comprehensible to the ‘average man’. Hegel certainly had no thought that it was either possible to make speculative philosophy popular or (...)
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  19.  30
    Activity in Marx's Philosophy. [REVIEW]H. B. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):756-756.
    This fifty-page essay treats Marx's concept of action as the principle underlying his whole system. Activity for Marx is described as both a philosophical concept and an element of human experience demanded by his system. The principle of activity is present as early as in Marx's doctoral dissertation and its influence is traced on his materialism, epistemology, and conception of philosophy. In the process, some strong similarities are shown with Dewey's concept of action, despite the difference in goals (...)
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  20. Being-with as being-against: Heidegger meets Hegel in the second sex. [REVIEW]Nancy Bauer - 2001 - Continental Philosophy Review 34 (2):129-149.
    In this paper I attempt to further the case, made in recent years by Eva Gothlin, that readers interested in a philosophical return to Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex have good reason to heed Beauvoir's appropriation of central concepts from Heidegger's Being and Time. I speculate about why readers have been hesitant to acknowledge Heidegger's influence on Beauvoir and show that her infrequent though, I argue, important use of the Heideggarian neologism Mitsein in The Second Sex makes inadequate (...)
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  21.  33
    Mendel's Influence on the World of Thought.Father Raphael C. McCarthy - 1928 - Modern Schoolman 4 (6):87-88.
    Father Raphael C. McCarthy Doctor of Philosophy of London University and Professor of Experimental Psychology at St. Louis University, contributes this paper as a general estimate of the influence which one man has exerted upon the vast and complex network of scientific world thought. We also acknowledge our indebtedness for this paper to Mr. William J. Miller of the School of Philosophy, who prepared it for those pages.
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  22.  77
    Marx’s Reading of Spinoza: On the Alleged Influence of Spinoza on Marx.Bernardo Bianchi - 2018 - Historical Materialism 26 (4):35-58.
    In this article, I investigate a hypothesis concerning the supposed influence of Spinoza on Marx’s works. Setting out from a comment made by Althusser – ‘[Spinoza] is the only direct ancestor of Marx’ – I try to demonstrate that even though the relationship between Spinoza and Marx has limited support at a historiographical level, a determined set of ideas of Spinoza can be connected to some of Marx’s political objectives in the period prior to 1845. This argument is supported through (...)
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  23. Meillassoux’s Virtual Future.Graham Harman - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):78-91.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 78-91. This article consists of three parts. First, I will review the major themes of Quentin Meillassoux’s After Finitude . Since some of my readers will have read this book and others not, I will try to strike a balance between clear summary and fresh critique. Second, I discuss an unpublished book by Meillassoux unfamiliar to all readers of this article, except those scant few that may have gone digging in the microfilm archives of the École normale (...)
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  24.  8
    David Lynch’s influence on David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest.Paolo Pitari - 2017 - Cinergie: Il Cinema e le Altre Arti 12.
    This essay investigates the influence of the films of David Lynch on David Foster Wallace’s major novel Infinite Jest. It is organized in two sections. Section one illustrates Wallace’s views on what real art should be, as they are expressed in his two famous “manifestos,” and proceeds to read the essay “David Lynch Keeps His Head” in relation to the manifestos in order to demonstrate that Lynch’s influence on Wallace’s thought has not yet been fully grasped. Section two delves (...)
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  25.  8
    Hegel in His Time.Jacques D'Hondt - 1988 - Broadview Press.
    Georg Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel is now recognized as one of the great philosophers; his concept of the dialectic profoundly influenced the course of Western thought, and — particularly through the lens of Marxist philosophy — continues to exert great influence even today. Yet Hegel himself has often been accused of being a philosopher of reaction: on the political sphere the polar opposite of Marx. It was not until the publication of Jacques D'Hondt's Hegel en son temps that the (...)
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  26. Hegel’s Critique of Aristotle’s Philosophy of Mind. [REVIEW]Errol E. Harris - 1970 - The Owl of Minerva 1 (3):4-5.
    A revival of interest in Hegel is long overdue. Both the Analytic movement and the post-World War II access of interest in Existentialism resulted from a reaction against Hegelian idealism, but disagreement with a philosopher’s theories is no good reason for neglecting to study them - in fact, to disagree without knowledge is to risk serious error, and to criticize without understanding is merely to reveal lack of scholarship. It is therefore all to the good that attention should be drawn (...)
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  27.  49
    Maimonidean Aspects in Spinoza’s Thought.Idit Dobbs-Weinstein - 1994 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 17 (1-2):153-174.
    A cursory review of studies of Spinoza’s thought discloses that diverse and often opposed religious, philosophical, historical, even literary traditions have claimed and disclaimed his debt to them as well as theirs to him. A Jewish, Christian, pantheist, and atheist Spinoza vies with a rationalist and a mystic, a realist and a nominalist, an analytic and a continental, an historicist and an a-historical one. And this list is far from exhaustive of the dazzling array of further, nuanced debates and (...)
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  28.  13
    Schopenhauer's Influence on Creative Writers.Bryan Magee - 1997 - In The philosophy of Schopenhauer. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Schopenhauer has influenced the work of more, and more distinguished, creative writers than any philosopher since his day, more even than Marx. This is especially true among novelists: Tolstoy, Turgenev, Zola, Maupassant, Proust, Hardy, Conrad, and Thomas Mann must be included. He also influenced short‐story writers such as Maugham and Borges, poets such as Rilke and Eliot, and dramatists such as Pirandello and Beckett. They were attracted, variously, by his psychological insight, his understanding of unconscious motivation, his disenchanted view of (...)
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  29.  14
    On being human: why mind matters.Jerome Kagan - 2016 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    Kagan ponders a series of important nodes of debate while challenging us to examine what we know and why we know it. Most critically he presents an elegant argument for functions of mind that cannot be replaced with sentences about brains while acknowledging that mind emerges from brain activity. He relies on the evidence to argue that thoughts and emotions are distinct from their biological and genetic bases. In separate chapters he deals with the meaning of words, kinds of knowing, (...)
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  30.  6
    Hegel In His Time.John Burbidge (ed.) - 1995 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    Georg Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel is now recognized as one of the great philosophers; his concept of the dialectic profoundly influenced the course of Western thought, and—particularly through the lens of Marxist philosophy—continues to exert great influence even today. Yet Hegel himself has often been accused of being a philosopher of reaction: on the political sphere the polar opposite of Marx. It was not until the publication of Jacques D’Hondt’s _Hegel en son temps_ that the vision of Hegel as (...)
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  31.  76
    The Whole Truth.Dale M. Schlitt - 1984 - The Owl of Minerva 15 (2):169-182.
    So pervasive has been G. W. F. Hegel’s general impact on modern culture and apparently so persuasive his particular dialectical interpretation of Trinity that one would be hard pressed to name a significant 19th or 20th century western philosopher or theologian not in some way influenced by Hegel’s reconceptualization of the trinitarian God. This impact and influence come as little surprise in view of the insight and industry with which Hegel, in developing his trinitarian theory, handled such universal themes (...)
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  32.  49
    Hegel's Revisions of the Logic of Being.Cinzia Ferrini - 2020 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2:199-221.
    This essay aims to demonstrate a clear and significant difference, not merely expository revisions or additions, in the logical progression of Being between Hegel's two main versions of the Doctrine of Being. This controversial issue is analyzed by retracing and examining changes that international scholarship still widely neglects. Focusing on Hegel's introduction of the doubled transition of Quality and Quantity in the genesis of Measure, the essay argues that the main point of the revisions is that (...)
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  33.  17
    Escaping the Shadow.Ryan Lam - 2022 - Voices in Bioethics 8.
    Photo by Karl Raymund Catabas on Unsplash “After Buddha was dead, they still showed his shadow in a cave for centuries – a tremendous, gruesome shadow. God is dead; but given the way people are, there may still for millennia be caves in which they show his shadow. – And we – we must still defeat his shadow as well!” – Friedrich Nietzsche[1] INTRODUCTION Friedrich Nietzsche famously declared that “God is dead!”[2] but lamented that his contemporaries remained living in the (...)
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  34.  16
    The View from Pȏle Nord.Martha J. Reineke - 2023 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 30 (1):1-27.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The View from Pȏle NordSartre, Beauvoir, and Girard on Mimesis, Embodiment, and DesireMartha J. Reineke (bio)Simone Beauvoir's novel She Came to Stay immerses readers in a 1930s Parisian social scene, thanks in part to the character Françoise. Eavesdropping with Françoise on a man and woman seated at a table in the Pȏle Nord café, readers of the novel hear the woman confide, "I've never been able to follow the (...)
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  35.  41
    Russell's Influence on Ingemar Hidenius [review of Svante Nordin, Ingemar Hedenius ].Stefan Andersson - 2005 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 25 (1):88-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:_Russell_ journal (home office): E:CPBRRUSSJOURTYPE2501\REVIEWS.251 : 2005-09-14 19:58  Reviews RUSSELL’S INFLUENCE ON INGEMAR HEDENIUS S A Theology and Religious Studies / U. of Lund  , Lund, Sweden @. Svante Nordin. Ingemar Hedenius. En filosof och hans tid [Ingemar Hedenius. A philosopher and his time]. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, . Pp. ;  photos.  kr. en years ago I wrote a review article about Gunnar Fredriksson’s book (...)
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    Marx.Jaime Edwards & Brian Leiter - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge Philosophers. Edited by Brian Leiter.
    Karl Marx (1818-1883) was trained as a philosopher and steeped in the thought of Hegel and German idealism, but turned away from philosophy in his mid-twenties towards politics, economics and history. It is for his these subjects Marx is best known and in which his work and ideas shaped the very nature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. However, Marx's engagement with philosophy runs through most of his work, especially in his philosophy of history and in moral and (...)
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  37.  19
    Repetição, negação e ideologia. Marx, Hegel e o problema do sujeito.Pedro Laureano - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (3):105-124.
    Resumo: Este artigo parte da análise da influência de Hegel na construção do conceito de capital e de ideologia, na obra de Marx. Para tal, buscou-se analisar a passagem dos primeiros escritos humanistas de Marx à sua teoria tardia. Da ruptura realizada por Marx em relação a suas obras de juventude, surge o problema de como determinar o sujeito, uma vez que a perspectiva humanista inicial é abandonada. A ideia é a de que, paradoxalmente, quando critica a dialética hegeliana, Marx (...)
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  38.  53
    Marx's Attempt to Leave Philosophy (review).Omar Dahbour - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):135-136.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Marx's Attempt to Leave PhilosophyOmar DahbourDaniel Brudney. Marx's Attempt to Leave Philosophy. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998. Pp. xviii + 425. Cloth, $45.00.In the introduction to this book, Daniel Brudney writes, "The humanist Marx has been in the shadows. I think it time he was brought into the light" (13). The way Brudney chooses to do this is by examining Marx's writings of 1844-46, along (...)
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  39.  24
    Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit: a reader's guide.Stephen Houlgate - 2012 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit is probably his most famous work. First published in 1807, it has exercised considerable influence on subsequent thinkers from Feuerbach and Marx to Heidegger, Kojève, Adorno and Derrida. The book contains many memorable analyses of, for example, the master / slave dialectic, the unhappy consciousness, Sophocles' Antigone and the French Revolution and is one of the most important works in the Western philosophical tradition. It is, however, a difficult and challenging book and needs to be (...)
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  40.  86
    To the Nothingnesses Themselves: Husserl’s Influence on Sartre’s Notion of Nothingness.Simon Gusman - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 49 (1):55-70.
    ABSTRACTIn this article I argue that Sartre’s notions of nothingness and “negatity” are not, as he presents it, primarily reactions to Hegel and Heidegger. Instead, they are a reaction to an ongoing struggle with Husserl’s notion of intentionality and related notions. I do this by comparing the criticism aimed at Husserl in Sartre’s Being and Nothingness to that presented in his earlier work, The Imagination, where he discusses Husserl more elaborately. Furthermore, I compare his criticism to Husserl’s own criticism (...)
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  41.  9
    Marx's rebellion against Lenin.Norman Levine - 2016 - New York, New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Marx's Rebellion Against Lenin is a representative of the contemporary revitalization of the thought of Marx. It fulfils this task in three ways. First, it overthrows the dialectical materialism of Engels and of Stalinist Bolshevism by exploring 18th century historical thought and illustrating how these Enlightenment historians and political theorists first explored method of historical explanation that were later adopted by Marx. It is shown that contrary to the theory of Stalinist Bolshevism, Hegel was a vital influence (...)
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  42.  31
    (1 other version)Kant as Seen by Hegel.W. H. Walsh - 1982 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 13:93-109.
    Few major philosophers show evidence of having studied the works of their predecessors with special care, even in cases where they were subject to particular influences which they were ready to acknowledge. Hume knew that he was working in the tradition of ‘some late philosophers in England, who have begun to put the science of man on a new footing’—‘Mr Locke, my Lord Shaftsbury, Dr Mandeville, Mr Hutchinson, Dr Butler, &c.’ But there is not much sign in the Treatise (...)
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  43.  62
    Elements of the philosophy of right.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Allen W. Wood & Hugh Barr Nisbet.
    This book is a translation of a classic work of modern social and political thought. Elements of the Philosophy of Right, Hegel's last major published work, is an attempt to systematize ethical theory, natural right, the philosophy of law, political theory, and the sociology of the modern state into the framework of Hegel's philosophy of history. Hegel's work has been interpreted in radically different ways, influencing many political movements from far right to far left, and is (...)
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  44.  57
    Hegel's Legacy.McCarney Joseph - 1999 - Res Publica 5 (2):117-138.
    This paper deals with some aspects of the relationship between Hegel and Marx and with their influence on the development of Marxism. The story is largely, though not entirely, one of misunderstandings and misappropriations, lost opportunities, unnoticed slippages, wrong turnings and blind alleys. As a result the project which unites Hegel and Marx, and, indeed, is the driving force of their work, has fared less well than it might have done. This, to state it in the most general terms, is (...)
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  45.  22
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: The Phenomenology of Spirit.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel's The Phenomenology of Spirit is one of the most influential texts in the history of modern philosophy. In it, Hegel proposed an arresting and novel picture of the relation of mind to world and of people to each other. Like Kant before him, Hegel offered up a systematic account of the nature of knowledge, the influence of society and history on claims to knowledge, and the social character of human agency itself. A bold new understanding of what, after (...)
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  46.  12
    Can Human Rights Be Reconciled with Modern Citizenship? Reconsidering Marx’s Zur Judenfrage Today.David Ingram - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80 (1-2):435-464.
    This essay critically re-examines Marx’s youthful analysis of the separation of church and state and his complex views about the function of rights in the modern state. I argue that Marx’s condemnation of Christian nationalism and endorsement of citizenship for Jews is consistent with his view that the modern, secular state cannot emancipate itself entirely from religiosity, as evidenced by the continuing legacy of nationalism and cultural identity politics today. Although Marx correctly follows Hegel in identifying modernity with a structural (...)
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    The Philosophical Influences of Mao Zedong.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2019 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing.
    This philosophical Mao is a fresh portrait of the mind of the ruler who changed the face of China in the twentieth century. The book traces the influences of both traditional Chinese and traditional pre-Marxist Western philosophy on the early Mao and how these influences guided the development of his thought. It reveals evidence of the creative dimensions of Mao's thinking and how he wove the yin/yang pattern of change depicted in the Yijing, the Chinese Book of (...)
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    Marx.Vincent Barnett - 2009 - Routledge.
    Karl Marx has been portrayed in equal measure both as a political prophet who foresaw the end of capitalist exploitation, and as a populist Anti- Christ whose totalitarian legacy has cost millions of lives worldwide. This new biography looks beyond these caricatures in order to understand more about the real Karl Marx; about his everyday life and personal circumstances as well as his political ideology. The book tells the life story of a man of ideas, showing how his political and (...)
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    Stolzmann´s influence on Schumpeter´s interest theory.Gerhard Lechner - 2016 - Canadian International Journal of Social Sciences and Education 9:49-61.
    This paper investigates Joseph Schumpeter’s interest theory by specifically focusing on the influence of the relatively unknown author Rudolf Stolzmann. Though Schumpeter spoke about Stolzmann in his early works, the influence has so far not been part of a research paper. The aim of this paper is to show that major contents of the interest theory were developed from a critical review of Stolzmann´s “Soziale Kategorie der Volkswirtschaft”. It can be demonstrated that the definition of entrepreneurial profit and the importance (...)
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    Hegel’s Theory of Self-Conscious Life by Guido Seddone (review).Will Desmond - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (2):361-364.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hegel’s Theory of Self-Conscious Life by Guido SeddoneWill DesmondSEDDONE, Guido. Hegel’s Theory of Self-Conscious Life. Leiden: Brill, 2023. 155 pp. Cloth, $138.00Guido Seddone’s monograph explores an ensemble of issues centering on what he terms Hegelian “naturalism.” He argues that “Hegel’s philosophy represents a novel version of naturalism since it stresses the mutual dependence between nature and spirit, rather than just conceiving of spirit as a substance emerging and (...)
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