Results for ' Indians cosmology'

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  1.  83
    Indian Cosmology.Krishna Prakash Tripathi - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 44:73-78.
    Cosmology is defined as the science of the large-scale structure of the universe. Indian cosmology is a philosophical theory regarding the cycle of creation from supreme consciousness to matter and from matter to supreme consciousness. It deals with the creation of the cosmic mind and the microvita, and origin-evolution-future of matter, individual mind and life. There is important input from Vedic and Tantric traditions. This school follows subjective approach by dealing with absolute (spiritual) as well as relative (psycho-physical) (...)
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    Astrophysics, Cosmology, and the Interior Space of Indian Myths and Temples.J. M. Malville - 1991 - In Kapila Vatsyayan (ed.), Concepts of space, ancient and modern. New Delhi: Abhinav Publications. pp. 123--44.
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    The universe around them: cosmology and cosmic renewal in Indianized South-east Asia.Horace Geoffrey Quaritch Wales - 1977 - London: A. Probsthain.
  4.  20
    Toward an Indian Theodicy.Purushottama Bilimoria - 2014 - In Justin P. McBrayer & Daniel Howard-Snyder (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to The Problem of Evil. Wiley. pp. 281–295.
    Indian theistic solution to the problem of evil – or universal injustice – is an off‐shoot of the logical theism of Nyāya and philosophical theologies of Vedānta thought. Their respective teleo‐cosmologies embed an ontology of divine creation, sustention and periodic dissolution of our world. An N‐factor is introduced governing the moral sphere, namely, the principle of karma. The presence of karma (admitting freely‐will choices) potentiates individuals’ actions, good and bad; this then mitigates the need to seek justification for God allowing (...)
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    Mesas & cosmologies in Mesoamerica.Douglas Sharon & James Edward Brady (eds.) - 2003 - San Diego: San Diego Museum of Man.
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    Astronomy in the Indus Valley Civilization: A Survey of the Problems and Possibilities of the Ancient Indian Astronomy and Cosmology in the Light of Indus Script Decipherment by the Finnish Scholars.Syed Mohammad Ashfaque - 1977 - Centaurus 21 (2):149-193.
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    When Stars Came Down to Earth: Cosmology of the Skidi Pawnee Indians of North America. Von Del Chamberlain.Stephen Mccluskey - 1983 - Isis 74 (4):606-607.
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    Creaturely cosmologies: why metaphysics matters for animals and planetary liberation.Brianne Donaldson - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book asserts that metaphysics is a fundamental factor in systemic brutality toward animals, plants, and marginalized populations and examines Whitehead's process-relational thought and the nonviolent Indian tradition of Jainism in order to offer a new perspective on metaphysics.
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    Andean aesthetics and anticolonial resistance: a cosmology of unsociable bodies.Omar Rivera - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Informed by Gloria Anzaldúa's and José Carlos Mariátegui's work, as well as by Andean cosmology, Omar Rivera turns to Inka stonework and architecture as an example of a "Cosmological Aesthetics." He articulates ways of sensing, feeling and remembering that are attuned to an aesthetic of water, earth and light. On this basis, Rivera brings forth a corporeal orientation that can be inhabited by the oppressed, one that withdraws from predominant modern/Western conceptions of the human. By providing an aesthetic analysis (...)
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    “Science–religion samvada” and the indian cultural heritage.Anindita Niyogi Balslev - 2015 - Zygon 50 (4):877-892.
    This article seeks to delineate some of the fundamental philosophical traits that are special characteristics of the Indian cultural soil. Tracing these from the Vedic period, it is shown that this heritage is still alive and gives a distinctive flavor to the science–religion dialogue in the Indian context. The prevalent attitude is not to view science and religion as antagonistic, but rather as forces that together could create a world where the persistent epistemological and ethical problems can get resolved to (...)
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    Ecofeminist Epistemology in Vandana Shiva’s The Feminine Principle of Prakriti and Ivone Gebara’s Trinitarian Cosmology.Cynthia Garrity-Bond - 2018 - Feminist Theology 26 (2):185-194.
    The ecofeminist cosmologies of Indian scientist Vandana Shiva and Catholic theologian Ivone Gebara are examined. At the centre of each author’s discourse is their feminist epistemology that occasion a new way of knowing, incorporating each thinker’s social locations as nexus for authority. For Shiva, the feminine principle of Prakriti, or the awareness of nature as a living, interdependent force, is realized through the inclusion of women as sources of expertise and knowledge. Gebara rejects classical theology and philosophy as androcentric, anthropocentric, (...)
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  12. African Cosmology and Ontology.Madubu Dukor - 1989 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 16 (4):367.
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    Ancient Indian insights and modern science.Kalpana M. Paranjape - 1996 - Pune, India: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute.
  14.  45
    The New Physics and Cosmology: Dialogues with the Dalai Lama (review).Paul O. Ingram - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):180-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The New Physics and Cosmology: Dialogues with the Dalai LamaPaul O. IngramThe New Physics and Cosmology: Dialogues with the Dalai Lama. By Arthur Zajonic. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. 245 pp.Over the years there have occurred several "Life and Mind Conferences" that seek to explore the intersection between the natural sciences and Buddhism, particularly, but not limited to, Tibetan Buddhist tradition. As far as I know, (...)
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  15.  38
    Nous and Nirvāṇa: Conversations with Plotinus -- An Essay in Buddhist Cosmology.W. Randolph Kloetzli - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (2):140 - 177.
    In the Classical world, the language of cosmology was a means for framing philosophical concerns. Among these were issues of time, motion, and soul; concepts of the limited and the unlimited; and the nature and basis of number. This is no less true of Indian thought-Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and Ājivika-where the prestige of the cosmological idiom for organizing philosophical and theological thought cannot be overstated. This essay focuses on the structural similarities in the thought of Plotinus and Buddhist cosmological/philosophical (...)
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  16. The Integral Cosmology of Sri Aurobindo: An Introduction from the Perspective of Consciousness Studies.Marco Masi - 2023 - Integral Review 18 (1):512-552.
    In the contemporary philosophy of mind and consciousness studies, views such as panpsychism or theories of universal consciousness, have enjoyed a recent renaissance of metaphysical speculations in Western philosophy. Its similarities with Eastern philosophical traditions went not unnoticed. However, the potential contribution that the evolutionary cosmology of the Indian poet, mystic and philosopher Sri Aurobindo can offer to these ontologies, remains largely unknown or unexplored. Here, consciousness, mind, life, matter and evolution are interpreted in an extended metaphysical framework, uniting (...)
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    Sri Aurobindo: Cosmology, Psychology and Integral Experience.Bhawani Shankar - 2024 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 41 (2):241-258.
    Sri Aurobindo is one of the most prominent figures in the Indian Philosophy of twentieth century and yet we barely find any mention of his work in the philosophy circles. He has written extensively on metaphysics, aesthetics, and ethics. Sri Aurobindo’s work is all-encompassing and carries marks of a deep yogic insight into both the individual self (with all its parts and their integrated working) and the universe that ultimately shares a relation of identity with the individual in secret. He (...)
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    Early Jaina Cosmology, Soteriology, and Theory of Numbers in the Aṇuogaddārāiṃ an Interpretation.Alessandra Petrocchi - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (2):235-255.
    This paper investigates mathematical ideas found in a Jaina non-mathematical text, by which I mean a work not dedicated to mathematics as a separate scholarly discipline. The Aṇuogaddārāiṃ, a Prakrit text from the Śvetāmbara Āgamas, explains the methods a Jaina monk should use in investigating a scriptural text. This work shows a remarkable ability to deal with numerical concepts and quantitative descriptions of all kinds. I shall often compare its mathematical content with texts from different Sanskrit bodies of knowledge. This (...)
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  19.  27
    The Peacock in Sufi Cosmology and Popular Religion.Martin Van Bruinessen - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 15 (2):177-219.
    In various cultural and religious contexts, from West Asia to Southeast Asia, we come across a number of quite similar creation myths in which a peacock, seated on a cosmic tree, plays a central part. For the Yezidis, a sect of Sufi origins that has moved away from Islam, the Peacock Angel, who is the most glorious of the angels, is the master of the created world. This belief may be related to early Muslim cosmologies involving the Muhammadan Light (Nur (...)
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    History of Indian cosmogonical ideas.Narendra Nath Bhattacharyya - 1971 - Delhi,: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
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    A History of Indian Philosophy.J. N. Mohanty - 1991 - In Eliot Deutsch & Ronald Bontekoe (eds.), A Companion to World Philosophies. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 24–48.
    According to the Hindu tradition, the origin of the various philosophical ideas that were developed in the philosophical systems lies in the Vedas, a body of texts that seem to have been composed around two thousand years Before the Common Era (BCE). While the Vedas contain a myriad of different themes, ranging from hymns for deities and rules of fire sacrifices to music and magic, there is no doubt that one finds in them an exemplary spirit of inquiry into “the (...)
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  22.  36
    Beginnings of Indian and Chinese Calendrical Astronomy.Asko Parpola - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (1):107.
    Calendrical astronomy had a parallel but separate development in China and in India. Both were eventually lunisolar and utilized circumpolar stars, which made Ursa Major and the pole star ideologically important. Initially the Early Harappans could orient their towns according to cardinal directions and the sun probably symbolized the king. Their calendar was heliacal with Aldebaran as the new year star. Indus Civilization created the lunisolar calendar, the nakṣatras, started the new year with the Pleiades, used the gnomon, and knew (...)
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    Nous and Nirvāṇa: Conversations with Plotinus — An Essay in Buddhist Cosmology.Randy Kloetzli - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (2):140-177.
    In the Classical world, the language of cosmology was a means for framing philosophical concerns. Among these were issues of time, motion, and soul; concepts of the limited and the unlimited; and the nature and basis of number. This is no less true of Indian thought-Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and Ājivika-where the prestige of the cosmological idiom for organizing philosophical and theological thought cannot be overstated. This essay focuses on the structural similarities in the thought of Plotinus and Buddhist cosmological/philosophical (...)
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  24.  15
    Gods, Absolute, Non-theistic Divinity, and Monotheism in Indian Philosophy of Religion: A Genealogical Critique of Evolutionary Theogony.Purushottama Bilimoria - 2024 - Sophia 63 (3):419-445.
    There are various permutations of theism: henotheism, pantheism, panentheism, a/theism, and nontheistic divinity. There is debate whether the idea of OmniGod was ever achieved in India. R. C. Zaehner argued that an evolutionary transition from pratenaturalism of the Vedas to Upaniṣad’s monism, culminated in monotheism with Purāṇas and the _Bhagavad Gītā._ I argue differently, beginning with ancient ritualistic polytheism, followed by unifying One Brahman, toward monistic panentheism and later non-dualism of _advaita_ Vedānta. Under the influence of Asaṅga, Buddhism elevated the (...)
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    Environmental Ethics and Sustainability in Indian Thought.Rana P. B. Singh - 2021 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 26:55-87.
    Religion (dharma) plays a vital role in the Hindu (Sanatana) quest for understanding and practicing harmony between nature and humanity that result into the formation of a cosmological awakening, i.e. 'transcending the universe.' The importance and applicability of such new consciousness is a sign in promoting global humanism in the 21st century, where environmental ethics and sustainability are the wheels of making the future more humane and peaceful. Arne Naess, who coined the term 'deep ecology' conceiving humankind as an integral (...)
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  26.  18
    The Linguistics and Cosmology of Agency in Nondual Kashmiri Śaiva Thought.David Peter Lawrence - 2014 - In Matthew R. Dasti & Edwin F. Bryant (eds.), Free Will, Agency, and Selfhood in Indian Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
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    Man and the universe in the orthodox systems of Indian philosophy.Rewati Raman Pandey - 1978 - Delhi: GDK Publications.
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    A Note on Ṛta and Dharma: Restoring the Cosmological Principle.Devi B. Dillard-Wright - 2020 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 37 (2):169-173.
    The Vedic notion of Ṛta is broader than the more familiar notions of dharma and karma, which have become familiar English terms. Encompassing respect for nature, veneration of the deities, and attendance on the sacred rites, Ṛta is woven throughout the Ṛg Vedic hymns. By calling greater attention to this cosmic principle, scholars can work to counteract the commercialization and individualization of yoga.
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    Review: Edited by Anne waters. American indian thought. Oxford: Blackwell publishing, 2004. [REVIEW]Donald Grinde - 2005 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 41 (4):863-864.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:5. Grange plays the blame game on the free market system for example on pp. xviii, T^ 29, 67, 74, 85, 91, 94, 109, III; in connection with remarks on environmental mat- ~ ters it is a consistent subtext of his entire work. Two of his previous works are Nature: J^ An Environmental Cosmology, 1997, and The City: An Urban Cosmology, 1999 (both Albany: tfl SUNY Press). (...)
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    The Unique Notion of 'Consciousness' in Classical Yoga Philosophy and its Relevence for Scientific Cosmology and Cognitive Science.Gerald James Larson - 2008 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 13:1-19.
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    Native American Worldviews: An Introduction.Jerry H. Gill - 2002 - Humanities Press.
    In this excellent survey of Native American worldviews, philosopher of religion Jerry H. Gill emphasizes the value of tracing the overarching themes and broad contours of Native American belief systems. He presents an integrated view to serve as an introduction to ways of life and perspectives on the world far different from those of the dominant Euro-American culture. Drawing on the scholarship of anthropologists and specialists in American Indian Studies, Gill brings together much original research in broad, accessible chapters. He (...)
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  32. Cómo Nació la Cultura Andina?Cancio Mamani López - 2010 - Chinta Producciones.
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    Report on the Tenth European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies Conference: History as a Challenge to Buddhism and Christianity.John O'Grady, Elizabeth J. Harris & Jonathan A. Seitz - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:189-192.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Report on the Tenth European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies Conference:History as a Challenge to Buddhism and ChristianityJohn O’Grady, Elizabeth J. Harris, and Jonathan A. SeitzThe Tenth Conference of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies (ENBCS) brought together between sixty and seventy people at the Oude Abdij, Drongen, Belgium, between 27 June and 1 July 2013, to examine the theme “History as a Challenge to Buddhism and Christianity.” It was (...)
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  34.  12
    Svijet u indijskoj i europskoj filozofiji.Mislav Ježić - 2023 - Synthesis Philosophica 38 (2):319-342.
    The world is a comprehensive concept of the area of external experience in which all objects appear as external to our consciousness. It is also the area of becoming, transience and disappearance, resp. of birth, life and death (physiology, philosophical physics, cosmology). The being itself, on the contrary, is conceived as what is and does not become (ontology, metaphysics). Philosophy investigates what is object of our cognition, but also what should be the object of our activity (ethics, practical philosophy). (...)
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    Drugged Subjectivity, Intoxicating Alterity.Donald Pollock - 2016 - Anthropology of Consciousness 27 (1):28-50.
    This article explores the use of intoxicants by a community of Kulina Indians in western Brazil. I suggest that Kulina intoxication through alcohol, tobacco, and ayahuasca is best understood as a form of semiotic appropriation of the identity of cosmological “others,” including animal spirits, creator beings, other Indian groups, and Brazilians. I consider how embodying practices, such as song and physical movement, enhance the experience of being an “alter,” facilitated by the alterations in consciousness produced by intoxicants.
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    Samay, la Herencia Del Espíritu: Cosmovisión y Ética Naporunas.José Miguel Goldáraz - 2004 - Cicame. Edited by Shirma Guayasamín & Dayuma Guayasamín.
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    Images and power: rock art and ethics.Polly Schaafsma - 2012 - New York, NY: Springer.
    Images and Power: Rock Art and Ethics addresses the distinctive ways in which ethical considerations pertain to rock art research within the larger context of the archaeological ethical debate. Marks on stone, with their social and religious implications, give rise to distinctive ethical concerns within the scholarly enterprise as different perceptions between scholars and Native Americans are encountered in regard to worldviews, concepts of space, time, and in the interpretation of the imagery itself. This discourse addresses issues such as the (...)
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  38.  17
    Tianxia in comparative perspectives: alternative models for a possible planetary order.Roger T. Ames, Sor-Hoon Tan & Steven Y. H. Yang (eds.) - 2023 - Honolulu: East-West Center.
    Tianxia--conventionally translated as "all-under-Heaven"--in everyday Chinese parlance simply means "the world." But tianxia is also a geopolitical term found in canonical writings that has a deeper historical and philosophical significance. Although there are many understandings of tianxia in this literature, interpretations within the Chinese process cosmology generally begin with an ecological understanding of intra-national relations that acknowledge the mutuality and interdependence of all economic and political activity. This volume contextualizes the tianxia vision of geopolitical order within a variety of (...)
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    The concept of time in ancient India.Rallapalli Venkateswara Rao - 2004 - Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan.
    Investigates The Concept Of Time, Juxtaposes The Mystery Of Time In Ancient Thought, The Varied Experience Of Time In Cosmological, Cultural, Historical, Spiritual Memory And Knowledge. Deals With In Vedic And Post Vedic Periods-The Concept Of Time In Jainism, Buddhism, Pre Kaliyuga And Kaliyuga Eras And Examins The Significance Of Application Of Time In Rituals, Festiviities According To Dharma Sastras To The Historical And Modern Man. The Volume As It Stands Now With Six Chapters Begins With An Introduction On The (...)
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    The age of the earth controversy: Beginnings to Hutton.Dennis R. Dean - 1981 - Annals of Science 38 (4):435-456.
    Speculation concerning the age of the earth begins with civilisation itself. The creation myths of ancient Egypt and other early cultures were soon expanded into elaborate cosmologies by Indian, Persian and Greek philosophers. Jewish and, more insistently, Christian scholars long believed that the Bible provided an exact chronology beginning with the Creation . Such truncated apocalyptic chronologies were opposed first by Aristotelian advocates of an eternal earth and then by deistic freethinkers who regarded the earth's age as indefinite but immense. (...)
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    Mechanisms of Violent Retribution in Chinese Hell Narratives.Charles D. Orzech - 1994 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 1 (1):111-126.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mechanisms of Violent Retribution in Chinese Hell Narratives Charles D. Orzech University ofNorth Carolina Greensboro Ai! The criminals in this hell have all had their eyes dug out and the fresh blood flows [from them], and each of them cries out, their two hands pressing their bloody eye-sockets—truly pitiful! To the left a middle-aged person is just having an eye pulled out by one of the shades; he struggles (...)
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  42.  12
    From the river of heaven: Hindu and Vedic knowledge for the modern age.David Frawley - 1990 - Salt Lake City, Utah: Passage Press.
    From The River of Heaven is a broad compendium of wisdom and insight that reaches into all aspects of life and all domains of human culture. It covers such diverse topics as the different systems of Yoga, the scriptures of India, the universal meaning of Hinduism, Philosophies, both Hindu and Buddhist, Yogic Cosmology, the Gods and Goddesses, Sanskrit and Mantra, the Vedic view of society, the science of Karma and Rebirth, the inner meaning of Rituals, Ayurveda (ancient Indian medicine) (...)
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    The Bhagavata Purana: Sacred Text and Living Tradition.Ravi Gupta & Kenneth Valpey (eds.) - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    A vibrant example of living literature, the Bhagavata Purana is a versatile Hindu sacred text written in Sanskrit verse. Finding its present form by the tenth century C.E., the work inspired several major north Indian devotional (bhakti) traditions as well as schools of dance and drama, and continues to permeate popular Hindu art and ritual in both India and the diaspora. Introducing the Bhagavata Purana's key themes while also examining its extensive influence on Hindu thought and practice, this collection conducts (...)
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  44.  18
    Indigenous and Popular Thinking in América.Rodolfo Kusch - 2010 - Duke University Press.
    Originally published in Mexico in 1970, _Indigenous and Popular Thinking in América _is the first book by the Argentine philosopher Rodolfo Kusch to be translated into English. At its core is a binary created by colonization and the devaluation of indigenous practices and cosmologies: an opposition between the technologies and rationalities of European modernity and the popular mode of thinking, which is deeply tied to Indian ways of knowing and being. Arguing that this binary cuts through América, Kusch seeks to (...)
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    Old Wisdom and New Horizon.Manoj Kumar Pal - 2008 - Jointly Published by Csc and Viva Books for the Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy, and Culture.
    This book by an internationally reputed Indian scientist traces the developments of Science, Religion and Philosophy in human civilization through the ages. The common underlying bond-more specifically, a linkage of philosophy with both science and religion-has been examined incisively. All the three sub-areas of human culture have been presented from a holistic point of view, and at the same time, stressing some of their irreconcilable basic differences in scope and outlook. Meant primarily for general readers, the book achieves a fine (...)
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  46. Archetypal Creation Symbolism in Jung and Wittgenstein.Richard McDonough - 2021 - Future Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.
    Many influential philosophers have argued that in pgh. 608 of Zettel (hereafter Z608) Wittgenstein appears to say that language and thought might emerge out of physical chaos at the neural “centre”. By contrast, the present paper argues that these scholars are, in a fashion that would be readily understandable by Thomas Kuhn, assuming the very Anglo-American paradigm that Wittgenstein is actually critiquing in Z608 when they interpret his remarks. In opposition to this, the paper argues that Wittgenstein’s notion of emergence, (...)
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  47. Labrar el cosmos: Lilian Silburn y el discontinuismo.Erika Natalia Molina Garcia - 2024 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 81:91–111.
    In this article, I explore the role of the body in Indian thought through the lens of Lilian Silburn’s works, focusing on the idea of carving the cosmos, namely of somatic performances that have cosmological relevance. First, I delve into her biography, to study, subsequently, her analysis of ancient Vedic philosophy, the Brāhmaṇa, the Upanişad, and Buddhism. In this manner, I touch upon a series of conceptual developments, trying to understand the constant tensions between the discontinuous and the continuous, the (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Hindu philosophy.Shyam Ranganathan - 2005 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The compound “Hindu philosophy” is ambiguous. Minimally it stands for a tradition of Indian philosophical thinking. However, it could be interpreted as designating one comprehensive philosophical doctrine, shared by all Hindu thinkers. The term “Hindu philosophy” is often used loosely in this philosophical or doctrinal sense, but this usage is misleading. There is no single, comprehensive philosophical doctrine shared by all Hindus that distinguishes their view from contrary philosophical views associated with other Indian religious movements such as Buddhism or Jainism (...)
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  49. The Mathematical Basis of Creation in Hinduism.Mukundan P. R. - 2022 - In The Modi-God Dialogues: Spirituality for a New World Order. New Delhi: Akansha Publishing House. pp. 6-14.
    The Upanishads reveal that in the beginning, nothing existed: “This was but non-existence in the beginning. That became existence. That became ready to be manifest”. (Chandogya Upanishad 3.15.1) The creation began from this state of non-existence or nonduality, a state comparable to (0). One can add any number of zeros to (0), but there will be nothing except a big (0) because (0) is a neutral number. If we take (0) as Nirguna Brahman (God without any form and attributes), then (...)
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    Ancient Greek and Roman science: a very short introduction.Liba Taub - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Very Short Introductions: Brilliant, Sharp, Inspiring Ancient Greece is often considered to be the birthplace of science and medicine, and the explanation of natural phenomena without recourse to supernatural causes. These early natural philosophers - lovers of wisdom concerning nature - sought to explain the order and composition of the world, and how we come to know it. They were particularly interested in what exists and how it is ordered: ontology and cosmology. They were also concerned with how we (...)
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