Results for ' Language and langauges'

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  1.  44
    Languages and Designs for Probability Judgment.Glenn Shafer & Amos Tversky - 1985 - Cognitive Science 9 (3):309-339.
    Theories of subjective probability are viewed as formal languages for analyzing evidence and expressing degrees of belief. This article focuses on two probability langauges, the Bayesian language and the language of belief functions (Shafer, 1976). We describe and compare the semantics (i.e., the meaning of the scale) and the syntax (i.e., the formal calculus) of these languages. We also investigate some of the designs for probability judgment afforded by the two languages.
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    Investigating the roles of philosophy, culture, language and Islam in Angkola’s local wisdom of ‘Dalihan Na Tolu’.Sumper M. Harahap & Hamka Hamka - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):10.
    This article aims at exploring the existing ideas of Angkola’s local wisdom with relevance to the roles of philosophy, culture, language, and Islam. This research employed the ethnographic method which utilised the data from figurative peoples in Angkola culture, Angkola’s cultural ceremonies, documents, and related media. The collected data were then reduced and analysed from philosophical, cultural, linguistic, and religious point of views to find the relevance. This research found that Dalihan Na Tolu covers triangle family members for Mora, (...)
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    Mind and Language : Evolution in Contemporary Theories of Cognition.Tanya De Villiers - 2006 - Dissertation, University of Stellenbosch
    This thesis gives an historical overview of some of the issues connecting philosophy of mind and philosophy of langauge in the twentieth century, especially with regard to the relevance of both disciplines to theories of cognition. Specifically, the interrelation between the theories of Peirce,Chomsky, Derrida, and Deacon are discussed. Furthermore, an overview of twentieth century views on mind in both philosophy and the cognitive sciences is given. The argument is made that many of the apparently insurmountable issues that plague theories (...)
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  4. Reason and Language.Richard Heck - 2006 - In Cynthia Macdonald & Graham Macdonald (eds.), Mcdowell and His Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 22--45.
    John McDowell has often emphasized the fact that the use of langauge is a rational enterprise. In this paper, I explore the sense in which this is so, arguing that our use of language depends upon our consciously knowing what our words mean. I call this a 'cognitive conception of semantic competence'. The paper also contains a close analysis of the phenomenon of implicature and some suggestions about how it should and should not be understood.
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    Formalizing the Dynamics of Information.Martina Faller, Stefan C. Kaufmann, Marc Pauly & Center for the Study of Language and Information S.) - 2000 - Center for the Study of Language and Information Publications.
    The papers collected in this volume exemplify some of the trends in current approaches to logic, language and computation. Written by authors with varied academic backgrounds, the contributions are intended for an interdisciplinary audience. The first part of this volume addresses issues relevant for multi-agent systems: reasoning with incomplete information, reasoning about knowledge and beliefs, and reasoning about games. Proofs as formal objects form the subject of Part II. Topics covered include: contributions on logical frameworks, linear logic, and different (...)
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  6. Natural language and natural selection.Steven Pinker & Paul Bloom - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):707-27.
    Many people have argued that the evolution of the human language faculty cannot be explained by Darwinian natural selection. Chomsky and Gould have suggested that language may have evolved as the by-product of selection for other abilities or as a consequence of as-yet unknown laws of growth and form. Others have argued that a biological specialization for grammar is incompatible with every tenet of Darwinian theory – that it shows no genetic variation, could not exist in any intermediate (...)
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    Phonological reduplication in sign language: Rules rule.Iris Berent, Amanda Dupuis & Diane Brentari - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:96556.
    Productivity—the hallmark of linguistic competence—is typically attributed to algebraic rules that support broad generalizations. Past research on spoken language has documented such generalizations in both adults and infants. But whether algebraic rules form part of the linguistic competence of signers remains unknown. To address this question, here we gauge the generalization afforded by American Sign Language (ASL). As a case study, we examine reduplication (X→XX)—a rule that, inter alia, generates ASL nouns from verbs. If signers encode this rule, (...)
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  8. Zhuangzi's Attitude Toward Language and His Skepticism.Eric Schwitzgebel - 1996 - In P. Kjellberg & Philip J. Ivanhoe (eds.), Essays on Skepticism, Relativism, and Ethics in the Zhuangzi. Suny Press. pp. 68-96.
    This paper begins by observing a tension in the Zhuangzi (or Chuang Tzu). On the one hand, Zhuangzi often advocates radical skepticism and relativism. On the other hand, he often makes a variety of factual claims and endorses and condemns various ways of living, in apparent disregard of any skeptical or relativist considerations. I resolve this tension by suggesting that Zhuangzi does not mean what he says when he advocates skepticism and relativism - that he aims in the apparently skeptical (...)
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  9. Symbiosis, Parasitism and Bilingual Cognitive Control: A Neuroemergentist Perspective.Arturo E. Hernandez, Hannah L. Claussenius-Kalman, Juliana Ronderos & Kelly A. Vaughn - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Interest in the intersection between bilingualism and cognitive control and accessibility to neuroimaging methods have resulted in numerous studies with a variety of interpretations of the bilingual cognitive advantage. Neurocomputational Emergentism (or Neuroemergentism for short) is a new framework for understanding this relationship between bilingualism and cognitive control. This framework considers Emergence, in which two small elements are recombined in an interactive manner, yielding a non-linear effect. Added to this is the notion that Emergence can be captured in neural systems (...)
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    Why Cognitive Linguistics must embrace the social and pragmatic dimensions of language and how it could do so more seriously.Hans-Jörg Schmid - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (4):543-557.
    I will argue that the cognitive-linguistic enterprise should step up its efforts to embrace the social and pragmatic dimensions of language. This claim will be derived from a survey of the premises and promise of the cognitive-linguistic approach to the study of language and be defended in more detail on logical and empirical grounds. Key elements of a usage-based emergentist socio-cognitive approach known as Entrenchment-and-Conventionalization Model (Schmid 2014, 2015) will be presented in order to demonstrate how social and (...)
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  11. Representing Space in Language and Perception.David J. Bryant - 1997 - Mind and Language 12 (3-4):239-264.
    Space can be understood through perception and language, but are the processes that represent spatial information the same in both cases? This paper reviews psychological evidence for the functional equivalence of spatial representations based on perceptual and linguistic inputs. It is proposed that spatial information is processed by a specialised spatial representation system (SRS) that creates geometric representations of space. The SRS receives inputs from perceptual and linguistic systems and uses these basic inputs to construct mental spatial models of (...)
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  12. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor.[author unknown] - 2017
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    Quine's Philosophy of Language and Polish Logic.Eli Dresner - 1999 - History and Philosophy of Logic 20 (2):79-96.
    The Polish logicians' propositional calculi, which consist in a distinct synthesis of the Fregean and Boolean approaches to logic, influenced W. V. Quine's early work in formal logic. This early formal work of Quine's, in turn, can be shown to serve as one of the sources of his holistic conception of natural language.
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  14. Modes of Thought, Ordinary Language, and Cognitive Diversity.Barry Hallen - 2002 - In Claude Sumner & Samuel Wolde Yohannes (eds.), Perspectives in African Philosophy. Addis Ababa University Press. pp. 214--222.
    Ordinary language philosophy is made relevant to the African context by demonstrating it can be used to illuminate and illustrate African meanings that are relevant to academic philosophy.
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    Darwinian Biolinguistics : Theory and History of a Naturalistic Philosophy of Language and Pragmatics.Antonino Pennisi - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer. Edited by Alessandra Falzone.
    This book proposes a radically evolutionary approach to biolinguistics that consists in considering human language as a form of species-specific intelligence entirely embodied in the corporeal structures of Homo sapiens. The book starts with a historical reconstruction of two opposing biolinguistic models: the Chomskian Biolinguistic Model (CBM) and the Darwinian Biolinguistic Model (DBM). The second part compares the two models and develops into a complete reconsideration of the traditional biolinguistic issues in an evolutionary perspective, highlighting their potential influence on (...)
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  16.  30
    Event representation in language and cognition.Jürgen Bohnemeyer & Eric Pederson (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The book highlights the newly found evidence which indicates the imposition of boundary conditions on the structure and processing of events and how these are ...
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  17.  26
    Making Sense of the Hands and Mouth: The Role of “Secondary” Cues to Meaning in British Sign Language and English.Pamela Perniss, David Vinson & Gabriella Vigliocco - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (7):e12868.
    Successful face‐to‐face communication involves multiple channels, notably hand gestures in addition to speech for spoken language, and mouth patterns in addition to manual signs for sign language. In four experiments, we assess the extent to which comprehenders of British Sign Language (BSL) and English rely, respectively, on cues from the hands and the mouth in accessing meaning. We created congruent and incongruent combinations of BSL manual signs and mouthings and English speech and gesture by video manipulation and (...)
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    Philosophy of language and meta-ethics.By Ira M. Schnall - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (217):587–594.
    Meta-ethical discussions commonly distinguish 'subjectivism' from 'emotivism', or 'expressivism'. But Frank Jackson and Philip Pettit have argued that plausible assumptions in the philosophy of language entail that expressivism collapses into subjectivism. Though there have been responses to their argument, I think the responses have not adequately diagnosed the real weakness in it. I suggest my own diagnosis, and defend expressivism as a viable theory distinct from subjectivism.
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    Women's health, women's health care: complicating experience, language and ideologies.Carol McDonald & Marjorie McIntyre - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (3):260-267.
    Increasingly, research in women's health and healthcare foregrounds women's experience. Despite the contribution that explorations of women's ‘lived life’ makes to our understandings, the concern of these feminist authors is the absence of in‐depth analysis of the complexity of experience and the contexts in which women's experiences of health are constituted. In this paper, authors extend current understandings of the lived life by complicating notions of knowledge, experience, language and ideologies. These ideas challenge taken‐for‐granted assumptions that underlie current women's (...)
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  20. Schleiermacher's Hermeneutics and the Myth of the Given.Cornel West - unknown
    Friedrich Schleiermacher is the father of modern philosophical hermeneutics. His Copernican Revolution in hermeneutics shifted the focus from understanding texts to the process of understanding itself. In this essay, I shall argue that Schleiermacher's valiant attempt to provide an acceptable hermeneutical theory to overcome the distance between speakers and listeners, readers and authors is unsuccessful owing to his acceptance of The Myth of the Given. The Myth of the Given is a philosophical doctrine held most notably by Cartesian and Kantian (...)
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  21. Discourse 2.0: Language and New Media.[author unknown] - 2013
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  22.  22
    The Role of Notation and Knowledge Representation in the Determination of Programming Strategy: A Framework for Integrating Models of Programming Behavior.Simon P. Davies - 1991 - Cognitive Science 15 (4):547-572.
    A number of accounts of expert programming behavior have been advanced. These models of the programming activity have served to highlight the range of factors that are thought to underpin programming strategy. However, such accounts have tended to emphasize either the effects of the organization of the programmer's knowledge representation or the role played by features of the notation of the task language on the emergence, development, and support of particular forms of strategy. Such work has neglected to (a) (...)
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  23. The Asymmetry between Language and Being: The Case of Anselm.Eileen C. Sweeney - 2007 - In Jon Burmeister & Mark Sentesy (eds.), On language: analytic, continental and historical contributions. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 157-177.
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    Shadows of Doubt: Language and Truth in Post-Reformation Catholic Culture.Stefania Tutino - 2014 - Oup Usa.
    Stefania Tutino shows that post-Reformation Catholic culture was a rich laboratory for our current moral and hermeneutical anxieties.
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    Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics.K. Litkowski - 2005 - Elsevier.
    The first edition of ELL (1993, Ron Asher, Editor) was hailed as "the field's standard reference work for a generation". Now the all-new second edition matches ELL's comprehensiveness and high quality, expanded for a new generation, while being the first encyclopedia to really exploit the multimedia potential of linguistics. * The most authoritative, up-to-date, comprehensive, and international reference source in its field * An entirely new work, with new editors, new authors, new topics and newly commissioned articles with a handful (...)
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  26.  56
    Semantics of proximity: Language and the other in the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas.Krzysztof Ziarek - 1989 - Research in Phenomenology 19 (1):213-247.
  27.  14
    Generating multimedia briefings: coordinating language and illustration.Kathleen R. McKeown, Steven K. Feiner, Mukesh Dalal & Shih-Fu Chang - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 103 (1-2):95-116.
  28.  29
    On Metaphorical Concentration: Language and Meaning in Patient-Physician Relations.R. A. Carson - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (4):385-393.
    Charles Taylor's retrieval of an expressivist understanding of persons, and of language as constitutive of meaning, contains promising insights for restoring moral connectedness between patients and physicians.
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  29. Locke on language and Derrida's paradox of "communication".Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This brief summary presents four propositions about language which Locke has been interpreted as committed to, a paradox by Derrida which challenges these propositions, and two attempted solutions.
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    Rethinking Race, Class, Language, and Gender: A Dialogue with Noam Chomsky and Other Leading Scholars.Pierre Wilbert Orelus - 2011 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The author explores with the leading scholars of today the way and extent to which many forms of oppression, such as racism, classism, capitalism, sexism, and linguicis, have affected the women, poor working-class people, queer people, students of color, female faculty and faculty of color. The leading scholars are: Richard Delgado, David Gillborn , Zeus Leonardo, Antonia Darder, Howard Winant, Christine Sleeter, Sonia Nieto, Carl Grant, Peter McLaren, Noam Chomsky, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Pedro Noguera, and Dave Stovall. Sometimes immensely personal, the (...)
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    Editorial: Relationship of language and music, ten years after: Neural organization, cross-domain transfer and evolutionary origins.Chao-Yang Lee, Caicai Zhang, William Shi-Yuan Wang & Mary Miu Yee Waye - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  32. Hume on religious language and the attributes of God.Thomas Holden - 2018 - In Angela Michelle Coventry & Alex Sager (eds.), _The Humean Mind_. New York: Routledge.
    Hume contrasts two different ways in which we might speak about the attributes of the first cause of all: first, in an attempt to describe the actual nature of this ultimate being or principle; or second, in ascribing attributes to it as so many honorifics, with no intention to describe but merely to express our own reverence. I survey Hume’s skeptical critique of the former, descriptive kind of talk, and also examine his purposes in considering and, through his character Philo, (...)
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  33.  17
    D'annunzio's ‘imaginifico’: Language and nationalism in post-risorgimento Italy.Jared M. Becker - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (1-3):177-181.
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    Pain, Private Language and the Mind-Body Problem.James Anderson - unknown
  35. Exodus experience language and truth.George Edayadiyil - 2010 - Journal of Dharma 35 (3):293-311.
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  36. (1 other version)Philosophical Papers Ii: Mind, Language and Reality.Hilary Putnam - 1979 - Cambridge University Press.
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    Stanford Studies in Language and Literature: 1941.Hardin Craig - 1942 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 2 (5):64-65.
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    Some aspects of language and time in ritual worship.Bernard P. Dauenhauer - 1975 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6 (1):54 - 62.
  39.  13
    Les signes du politique: language and sociability in France from the fourteenth to the nineteenth Century.Jacques Guilhaumou - 2008 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 4 (2):137-159.
  40. The sphota of language and the experience of sabdatattva.Sebastian Alackapally - 2010 - Journal of Dharma 35 (3):203-214.
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  41. Philosophy of language and communication theory.Georg Meggle, Kuno Lorenz, Dietfried Gerhardus & Marcelo Dascal - 1992 - In Marcelo Dascal, Dietfried Gerhardus, Kuno Lorenz & Georg Meggle (eds.), Sprachphilosophie: Ein Internationales Handbuch Zeitgenössischer Forschung. Walter de Gruyter.
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  42. Philosophy of language and artificial intelligence.Georg Meggle, Kuno Lorenz, Dietfried Gerhardus & Marcelo Dascal - 1992 - In Marcelo Dascal, Dietfried Gerhardus, Kuno Lorenz & Georg Meggle (eds.), Sprachphilosophie: Ein Internationales Handbuch Zeitgenössischer Forschung. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Explanations in theories of language and of imagery.Steven Pinker - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (1):147-148.
  44.  21
    Synonymity In Turkish Language and The Words ‘Sayru- Sökel’.Mustafa Sari - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2219-2229.
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  45. (1 other version)Language and reality in Plato's Cratylus.John Ackrill - 1994 - In Antonina M. Alberti (ed.), Realtà e ragione: studi di filosofia antica. Firenze: Librarie Droz.
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    Pragmatics of Language and Language of Pragmatics.Jerome Bruner - 1984 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 51.
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  47. Philosophy of Language and Corporeity.L. Di Pinto - 2002 - Analecta Husserliana 80:544-552.
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  48. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics.K. S. Goodman & Y. M. Goodman - 2006
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    Erasmus on Language and Interpretation1.Manfred Hoffmann - 1991 - Moreana 28 (Number 106-28 (2-3):1-20.
  50. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics.Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero - 2006
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